I'm still learning here, but I was studying this yesterday (from an OpenGL book). There are a few different blending modes. Also, as a side note, there are mechanisms to support anti-aliasing in particles (well, points, lines & quads), but I'm against it. You might say that I'm anti-anti-aliasing. But really, the mechanisms I'm talking about are out dated and are more CPU and GPU costly than multi-sampling, which is performed on the entire buffer.
But you didn't ask about anti-aliasing. So yea, the alpha and the blend mode I believe. I'll know more when I learn more.
Omega, if you do hex RGB, there's only one way to go -- you copy the standard used in HTML, etc. 000000 is black, ffffff is white, 808080 is grey, etc.
Also, back to burning units, I've done more research on this (when I got tired of working on my screwed up multiplayer implementation) and learned more about how this should work to make it realistic. Unfortunately, there are a tad more calculations that should go into a moving fire source, but not many. As a fire burns, it's illustrated with little particles, actually textured, billboarded quads -- this is a square (in our case) polygon or pair of polygons, with a texture and "billboarded" so that it always faces the camera. Fire particles rise due to heat (as does hot gas and plasma in a normal earth environment). But when an object is moving, it creates a vacuum effect and turbulence behind it. If this is left out, the fire particle system will look a little squirrelly IMO. The turbulence will be the most difficult for me, but it's also the least important of the two, so I'll probably implement it without turbulence. However, somebody is going to have to code turbulence at some point for a large number of particle systems and effects (this would make snow look more realistic around moving units, for instance). Turbulence is what causes a fluid (in this case, air) to spin around. Either way, the vacuum is what causes the fire particles to tend to follow the moving burning object rather than simply floating up completely detached from their source (although they are completely detached, bad analogy) -- Ok, I'm rambling, I stop here.