hmm, well in Visual Studio, you get 2 different build configurations by default, Debug and Release. Make sure you are building the "Release" build. You can also tweak it out a little further, but just building release should be enough to not be slow. Since you are using a core 2, I would enable SSE2 instructions in the build, that's done under the project properties => compilation options => code generation (I think, that's just from my memory). Be sure you do it for both the libglest and game projects. There are a few other things that can help, like inlining "any feasible" and, optimizing "for speed" instead of "full optimizations" (/O2 instead of /Ox) and enabling "whole program optimizations" (that one is for the game project only) -- but these should just be "icing on the cake" so to speak, just having a Release build should be enough for it not to behave as you described.