Author Topic: Complexity Mod  (Read 2266 times)


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Complexity Mod
« on: 23 December 2008, 03:48:32 »
Okay, so I recently downloaded Glest and started playing and though "hey, this is a fun game. A bit of a challenge... holycrap, twenty swordsmen, I'm screwed 0.0". So I kept playing and playing and I learned how to beat the computer. Easy. Now what I wanted to do was expand, make things more complex and as such faster and more hardcore. I started expanding on the "Worker"s and "Initiate"s and here is what I plan on doing:

Every thing that can be done (asides from attacks) can either be done by a specialist or a jack-of-all-trades worker/initiate.

  • Woker - Normal, price at 25 gold, 1 food
  • Builder - Can only construct/repair, 25 gold, 5 food (steep, but it reduces over-use) - no attack
  • Resource Gatherer - Can only gather resources, 25 gold, 5 power - no attack

  • Initiate - Normal, price at 25 gold, 1 power
  • Constructor - Can only construct/repair, 25 gold, 5 power - no attack
  • Harvester - Can only gather resources, 25 gold, 5 power - no attack
  • Summoner - Only creatable via morph from Summoner Acolyte, price reduced to 100 gold
  • Summoner Acolyte - Has initiate attack, can summon daemon, price 25 gold, 1 energy. Overall the price for making a summoner is down 25 gold but in place it takes time. Time is money!
  • Daemon - Cost is down to 25 gold

Thats just what I've done messing around with the XML files. I have yet to make models for the summoner acolyte and add emblems onto the harvesters and constructors and builders and resource gatherers to signify their use. My plan is to completely expand everything so there are more powers, more summonables, and more tactics. If I can get the modeling down I'll make palisades and stakes for techs and walls as well as gates for magics. Why the difference? Magics can just hold out their hand and a big stone wall will basically appear out of the ground :P. Their main goal is to keep the techs away so they can beat on them from afar. The techs want the magics close, so the stakes magics can impale themselves on and the palisades allow for troops to move through.

I need suggestions. Lots of suggestions. I'm not sure where to start for tech expanding for techs (most likely make 2 stages of cavalry, possibly 3 [scouts -> light cavalry -> heavy cavalry]). The big thing is that this needs to have balance. As it is the magics just bumble around not doing any farming or much building of any type after the first wave. I just need to modify the AI a bit for magics and that is done. Best part is, I have some results done.

They are in separate zip files and it is highly recommended you back up your originals before installing.


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Re: Complexity Mod
« Reply #1 on: 26 December 2008, 02:07:29 »
Some of the features you are talking about are not available with the normal engine, just GAE.  Go to the GAE forums for info on GAE.  It stands for Glest Advanced Engine.

You've got some great ideas, so keep up the great work!


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Re: Complexity Mod
« Reply #2 on: 26 December 2008, 02:18:10 »
Oh, sorry about the issues with loading, I made a last minute change and didn't test before I zipped and uploaded. Will fix in a day or two with a few features upgraded in.


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Re: Complexity Mod
« Reply #3 on: 26 December 2008, 02:30:49 »
Alright, I especially like the Summoner Acolyte idea, but could you find another name?  My Dark Magic already has an Acolyte.

Also you should probably read the topic "should we tune Magic?".  It is related to what you're speaking of.


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Re: Complexity Mod
« Reply #4 on: 26 December 2008, 18:40:29 »
Updated, fixed the bugs. I think I'm going to make an installer-patcher setup instead of uploading 60 megs of stuff every update.