It might be easier to compile Glest from source. Alternatively, you can try this:
Installation of Glest on 64bit Linux (without compiling) - Tested on a 64bit Ubuntu 8.10 with glest 3.1.2
- Get the 32 bit binary and the glest_data from glest.org - upack them
- You should get 2 folders: glest_game and glest_linux32_bin_3.1.2
- Copy contents of glest_linux32_bin_3.1.2 into glest_game folder
- Get 32bit lib files, since the game cant run with the 64 bit files that reside in your /usr/lib/ folder:
- Go to
http://packages.ubuntu.com or a similar repository site and search for the 32bit / i386 versions of following packages:
libopenal* - in my case: libopenal1_1.3.253-4ubuntu1_i386.deb
libvorbis* - in my case: libvorbis0a_1.2.0.dfsg-3.1_i386.deb
libvorbisfile* - in my case: libvorbisfile3_1.2.0.dfsg-1ubuntu0.1_i386.deb
- extract .deb files with dpkg -x File.deb DestinationFolder
- extract .rpm files: Dunno how, use google
- You should find those six files (or similar) in the extracted archives:
- Copy the six files into the glest_game/lib folder.
- Rename libopenal.so.1 to libopenal.so.0 since Glest looks for a libopenal.so.0 file
- Start ./glest - it should work
If not:
- look for a *glest.log file in your glest_game folder and see what went wrong.
- get missing lib files from repository site and/or rename/symlink existing lib files so glest will find them
Happy gaming
Please tell me if this worked for you