The point is, you have to gimme evidence, my theory is true, and since im a 90+ pures don`t bother me, except for those stupid rangers
and that guy was htting people with atleast 40 defence, look how he owned them, and having a low cb lvl helps you, not opposite...
just cause your saying that you owned him, i can say, "i owned zezima in one hit, cool?"
You also have to notice that the guy has an awesome weapon, without that weapon he would do half the damage.
Lol, a dragon dagger 50k, and a karils c,bow ? no way thats expensive, and weapons is a part of the combat, a good weapon is always handy...
Without the wep he wouldn`t be able to pk, same as you...
when I was a member I could hit 17's
Strenght level at the time? Weapon? and im sure it was on a stupid NPC
I can calculate if this is true...
that guy isn't showing the part where he gets his butt kicked by a guy with defense
All with defence is safers, and all in pvp hate safers, with defence it is almost impossible to win a pvp-match, due to your defence being high, your attack stast will be low, sorry, but if you don`t understand that i must assume your a noob...
A sec and i can upload a video me owning with my pure...