Military -> needs money
Society -> got money
Society -> needs military help
Military -> get money from society
Military -> protects society
I don`t think military ruled countries do very well...Civillian authority ftw! The military only works if it got society to support it, I think, and I don`t think i will change my mind either..but if you want to debate it..
On another note, I just got a lot interested in astronomy (again, I read A LOT when i was 8-12 years old about it). I wan`t to know, is this true what the video says?
It is extrmely interseting, i suggest everyone should study it at some point. It is fun also, and enlightening. The thing im most interested in is, the big huge bang (not bang in that meaning
I just loled so hard! I found it when I searched for "theist leaders" on google, some houndred pages back...
EDIT: no disrespect for individuals who doesn`t have this view on the world, It is just that i have met a lot of americans thinking this way...niot that bad but kinda.