I'm baaaack. Hopefully the trolling didn't sky rocket while I was away....
Interestingly, the board is about split or so between athiests and theists, which I find very interesting, since according to
wikipedia, 68.38% - 90.73% of the world's population is religous of some type.
Christianity alone:
-About 33% of the world's population is Christian
-Biggest percentage is Guatemala, Panama, Vatican City, and Micronesia where
100% of the population states their religion as christianity.
-Africa is the fastest growing christian population, going from 8.7 million in 1900 to 390 million today (a 4400% change). Also, every year, 6 million african muslims convert to Christianity.
By Country:-74.1% of Canadians
-78% of Americans
-71% of British
-74.4% of Hungarians
-85.6-90% of Norwegians
-87-94% of Italians
-85% of Spanish
-79% of Swiss
-70% of Germans
By continent:-82% of North America
-90% of South America
-92% of Central America
-98% of the Caribbeans
-75% of Europe
-The europeans are 75%
Christianity has 22708799 people born into it yearly and 2501396 converted into it yearly, for a 25210195 annual growth, which is a 1.36% growth (just slightly below the world's 1.4% growth rate). That puts it at the most conversions and births among any religion, though its growth percentage is lower than muslims, but that is primarily because of higher populations of christians.
I do not post this to make a point or spark debate, simply to show some interesting facts. Please do *not* discuss the fundlements of this here. This isn't a debate of christianity, simply a collection of facts that I found interesting.