Homeschooling... Must be interesting. I learn most of my new things from the web anyway. Most homeschooled people I know are taught by their parents though. For example, I've learned almost 100% of my computer knowledge on my own, some through trial and error, some through the web, and some through various sources (including my BRAIN). The only thing about computers I didn't learn on my own was typing, thanks to the school's ULTRA DULL typing software. Was a pain in the ass, but now I can type 90 words per minute.
BTW: Physics IS awesome. My school doesn't let you do physics until grade 11, so I learned a bit from the web. I guess that's one disadvantage of small rural schools...
I myself am a master cook (a master chef, get it? Halo?
). I'm the kind of guy who does home ec instead of IA. I consider it more handy in the future, and besides, cookies beat a wooden shelf. I mean, you can't EAT a wooden shelf!?!
Say, new topic: What is your all time favorite game and WHY?
I'll go first: Final Fantasy IX. Not just any Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy IX! The ultimate game ever, and the last final fantasy with random battles. It had the BEST storyline I had ever seen, and actually made me almost cry at some points it got so sad. But it wasn't all good storyline. It also has a vibrant, powerful battles, and the secret optional boss ozma was very difficult, and took a LONG time to reach. It had the BEST minigames in the entire Final Fantasy series (the card games were fun, and Chocobo Hot and Cold was VERY rewarding!).
I noticed most games had a dull, monoset bunch of civilians, but in FFIX, you could talk to just about anyone, and even after the destruction of alexandria, people are cheerfully going about trying to rebuild it, a cook is seen pounding happily on a nail with his pan, and all the characters are light and happy, despite the often dark, evil acts of the antagonists.
The number of extras, secrets, and hidden things in the game is amazing. There's a wide variety of foes, spells, equipment, items, minigames, and more. My ultimate save has clocked 250 hours, every level maxed (and there's like 8 or so playable characters, but you can only have four at a time), all items, all ultimate weapons, defeated ozma, hades, and every other optional boss, got the 'hammer' for the special ending, completed Chocobo Hot and Cold, completed Mognet, and have all 100 cards (though no max rank. Seems to be impossible. Damn). And I have two other saves as well going for a combined time of over 350 hours of gamplay. Yes, that's one game for the PS1.
If you don't have this game, download an emulator, and play it NOW (of course, I believe emulators are illegal. I dunno. I don't use em. Couldn't figure out how to get them to work).