Oh, god... I can't even read the first post! ???
I think I've looked at it real hard until my eyes burned out of my head and fell out (we need an emoticon for that).
There's something about military(?), church, and underworld. But the rest is all a blur to me...
Could someone translate?
If I take a guess on what is going on, I'll agree with modman that we have enough (actually too many) ideas and not enough releases. Dark Magic's been going on for at least 6 months, and others like elves, ardhon, military, etc are still in developement. Persians aren't yet done, GAE is being updated monthly, FPM hasn't been updated (in the models front) for a long time. Glestimals is still waiting to be implimented.
Bottom line? We have more than enough ideas. Its work that we need done!