Sometimes, especially when I am teesting out new particle systems, Glest crashes seemingly for no apparent reason and then, even wierder, it makes up some random reason why it crashed, as if I had changed the XMLs and it was crashing because of that. But I know this is not the problem because the previous time it did not crash, and so I know it has to do with the engine. This happens when I test a particle system, then exit the game (but not Glest, so for clarification, I just hit ESCAPE and chose to exit Glest), then change the particle system to tweak it to make it the way I want, then begin another game. I know this sounds like the doctor/idiot patient scenario (Idiot: Doc, every time I hit my head against the wall, it hurts! Doctor: Then stop doing it!)
but seriously, is there a problem with the engine. This problem I only see on Glest v 3.1.2, but that's because it's the only one I use.