I'm all for an online version, since I don't want to pack a bunch of webpage files into a zip for people. However, there should also be a zip folder that can be downloaded with all the maps in them, but no reviews, for the people who read the stuff online, but don't want to download individual maps (who would???). BTW: Somebody else would have to manage images, because as many may know, GAE is not an option for me.
First: we could make a thread and post the maps we found.
What's wrong with right here? The topic name works, and there is a list in the first post.
everyone who supports omega with the rewievs (I volunter) will work on his part.
We need some criteria what to rate, what to write and of course: screenshots.
I was think of going simple. Very very simple. If you have one of the maps, play it, write a short 1 paragraph review on it, then rate it.
Sample criteria:
-AI (How well can the AI navigate the map?)
-Size (does it take too long to get to the other side of the map?)
-Resources (well placed?)
-Paths (organized, straightforward?)
-Bases (organized, placed to be equal for all players, etc;)
-Obstacles (don't make moving too hard for large units, are not in the way, etc;)
-Maps don't appear empty, objects scattered well, in a natural looking pattern
-maps are FUN to play!!!
*Yes, I'm not really good at writing criteria, but this is just a sample.
The new version of the Glest Guide is full php (note that it won't be out until beginning of may, maybe by the end of the month), and has a Mod Download Center, which has most factions, tech trees, scenarios, and tilesets available to download, along with a PHP driven rating system (I *heart* file function). It also has a forums board, and more. I'll spread out a user rating system, although it might not be 100% trust worthy since it will allow anonymous rating, and map designers may try to boost their own map's ratings. So I guess I can do the same thing I did with the Mod Download Center and put an editor's rating as well (oops, you don't know about that yet! It's simular to download.com's ratings, though it just says the ratings [ie: 4.5] rather than having stars. Figured I'd save myself twenty minutes of code.