If you are a x86_64 user with Ubuntu (or debian), you have to use ia32-libs and getlibs to make this "official" binary work.
For ia32-libs you have to enter this command (or something like this):
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
For getlibs, you have to install getlibs from this package :
http://frozenfox.freehostia.com/cappy/getlibs-all.deb . Getlibs role is to get 32bit dependencies, after it has been installed you have to enter a command like this:
getlibs <PathToGlestInstallation>/glest.bin
For trouble with libopenal.so.0 the command is like:
ln -s /usr/lib32/libopenal.so.1 <PathToGlestInstallation>/lib/libopenal.so.0
If you dont already have a 32bit libopenal then you have to enter this command before:
getlibs -l libopenal.so.1
Why doing this when it is much more easyer to directly use a 64bit binary ? ? ?
_ because this game has some problemes in multiplayer, it only works if every body use the same binary. It is a shame, but if you want to play in multiplayer you have to use this 32bit binary.
You want to play with windows users with wine by using windows binary ?
_ forgive it. It doesn't work for multiplayer.