The download link doesn't seem to be working...
I downloaded it OK, but it appears the trees are broken ?!?
They all look Ok in the G3D viewer, but in the game I get this:

And for some constructive criticism, I think surface 1 is to different from surfaces 2 & 3, they don't 'splat' well, as can also been seen above. Surfaces 1 & 2 also have a kind of 'carpet effect' going on... I think because there is no variety... there are multiple textures, but with the probabilities you have set in the xml, the first one is going to get used on
almost every occasion, hence the nasty looking tiling. Spread those probabilities out a bit!

But a promising looking tileset, it's nice to see some different looking terrain in Glest, and it's very nice to see people making some different tilesets. Keep up the good work!