I don't know the answers to all of your questions, but I'll answer the ones that I can.
That's why I have some questions I would like to ask you, and I hope you'll get the time to answer it.
1. Legal's rights
- Is the engine fully open source ? May we use some parts of the Code without the rest of the engine ? Can we use (for example) a function out of context without any issue ?
Yes, every part of Glest is licensed under the GNU General Public License. You can use any part of it that you want. This means that you can use it, modify it, do whatever you want with it, even sell it, as long as you give credit to the creators (i.e. The Glest Team) and that it remains open source. This includes the program code, the models, the images, and all other parts of the Glest game. For a full explanation of the GPL, look here:
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html- Is there any restriction about using the engine (except selling, ofc)
The only restrictions are that you give credit to the Glest team for using their creations and that anything you develop with it remains open source. The rest of your game (anything you develop on your own without using any Glest content) can be licensed however you want.
- Do we need authorizations for specific things ? Are some things forbidden with the engine ?
No and no. You can use any part of it you want.
- Does some libraries used have differents licence's restrictions than your engine ?
I'm not sure what you mean by that, so I'll let someone else answer this question.
2. Technical's issues
- What are the limitations with 3D and number of polygons ?
- Does the engine support pathfinding modification in real time, on independant units ?
- Would the engine be able to be modified to support ground modification during games ? Considering that these modifications are decided by the players.
I can't help you with the first two points, but ground modification is something that's in development for GAE. If you don't know what GAE is, refer to the following thread:
https://forum.megaglest.org/index.php?topic=3229.03. Multiplayer's issues
- I saw Glest is limited to four player in the same gameroom. Is that a game restriction or an engine restriction ? Is this restriction irrevocable using the engine ?
- Do you think there would be any compability's issues while trying to use the engine with a persistant world server ?
The developers of GAE are currently working on a way to allow more players. Refer to the following thread:
https://forum.megaglest.org/index.php?topic=4266.0I don't know anything about servers, though.
Thanks to those who gave time to read my questions, and thanks to those who tried, but couldn't xD
No problem.