Hey all!
Thanks for the awesome feedback. I am joyed to see that it's been well received thus far. I'm sorry that I have not been able to respond sooner... I've been quite busy with the summer mission I'm on right now (and, will continue to be on for 15 weeks-ish).
titi: Thanks for your work on the Linux patch! Yeah... off the top of my head, I don't even know what version of the blender exporter I'm using right now (Version 1.too-old it seems). I've noticed on other threads that a new g3d-blender exporter exists. Does that mean you can export directly to g3d from blender without xml2g? That would be swell-tastic!
archmage101: Yeah... I'm not much of a Beta, Alpha, version number kinda guy. I guess I said 0.9 because four of the units are non-existant (no xmls, no g3ds, no textures). That in itself may not be enough to warrant the 0.9, but now having read these posts, I guess linux-friendly-g3d's might be a good thing to have next version as well.
So yeah. Next version: full tech tree and linux-friendly g3d's.
Beyond that: original sounds, tweaked models (the aviary is too big) and I'm toying with the idea of changing the tech tree a bit so falconers come around earlier in the game. There's also a bunch of other things I want to tweak/fix... I have a list started (let me know if you have anything to add to it).
But yeah... as to when the next version is ready... it's gonna be a while. As I said, I'm on mission right now, and things are pretty busy for me.
Thanks again! Peace!