It's been a couple weeks since this was discussed. But I don't want it to die.
I love concept. I grew up on Ocarina of Time.
It's like an old movie, I can play it over and over and it never gets old. (and it lasts a couple hours)
I like where the map was going, with some drawbacks.
The map is simply too big - Truth be told.
I started a 1-team match, just to explore a bit. and it took what felt like 15 minutes to reach the top-left corner of the map.
The protected base locations are nice, but they seem to be the only landmarks.
in Zelda, which felt HUGE at the time (hyrule field was the biggest digital environment I had ever experienced) there was still plenty of forest region.
all of the boundaries around Hyrule Field were that flat surface that was textured to look like trees. aka forest
that is what this map is missing.
with the fields, I can wander forever and never find an enemy.
but perhaps if there were thick forests to direct gameplay towards the enemy bases, it would make the game feel more directional.
keep the Hyrule field a field, but box it in with plenty of foliage.
This concept has great potential.
Heck! I couldn't complain if someone developed Hyrule, Zora, Goron, and Deku/Kokiri mods.
I just might try... haha I've already got music in mind: although... it is CC licensed... :'(
I appriciate that it is somewhat modled after Hyrule BTW (shown below)