ColonisationWell guys its been a while since I slacked to make some scenarios but now heres my first!
In Colonisation which is going to be in my 9 Scenario series, you are the Tech and you have a mission to colonise 'Asralia' to make your empire spread but Barbarians are in the distinct. You are to eliminate Hargula making the invasion abit more easier. But not everything seems as it is...
Well I cant get a good screenshot but you guys won't regret it. But if one of you guys can get me a screenshot I would be happy to add it to this post =]
Also it is recommended for a 2 on 2 or FFA (Free for all) as the map is designed for East vs West or just broken lands where people can fight. Lots of Gold Rock resources making this map good for online, although its still fun against the AI. I recommend using the Tech or any faction that doesn't require much Wood as the Magic faction would be cheating in this map =P. Enjoy!
Download links:
Just download both, 1 contains the scenario and the other is the map., Hate, Comments, Improvements... Go on!