Author Topic: GLADE Team  (Read 25631 times)


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« on: 1 June 2009, 00:30:11 »
John.d.h will head a team whose sole purpose is in creating high quality Glest factions and faction groups.  This means that there needs to be a specific person assigned to be a coordinator, and others to work on mini projects related to the mod we would be working on at the time.  If someone is to be in the group, their projects would either need to be completed on time, or handed off to another person so they can work on it.  Each project would be given a generous time line, so that those outside can know exactly when each project is expected to be finished.

There are only a few different roles I think need to be filled for this development team.  I can narrow down the categories considerably because this team will only be working on faction design for Glest.  This team needs:

Czar: They will be responsible for the timetable of the mods.  They will make the big decisions, and are the person making sure things are getting done.  Questions can be relayed to this person and they will relay the information back via email or personal message. (Email may only be preferable when sending files) Staying in contact with this person is crucial to completing projects on schedule. John.d.h
Concept Manager: They will be responsible for the ideas of the units and organizing ideas for different factions.  They will pay close attention to how each individual unit fits into the scheme of the faction, and has unique traits to make it a valuable asset to the faction.  A faction diagram will be required for each faction so that everyone knows how the factions will fit together.  This person is also responsible for a detailed description of each unit so that it can be made according to plan.Modman
Artistic coordinator: Responsible for artistic concepts of the units and will work closely with the concept manager to make sure the units will look appropriate to the original concept. This person is also responsible for conceiving of faction “themes” for the artists to work off of.  Factions that follow a common theme look professional and great.Gameboy
XML manager: Is in charge of XMLs and faction testing to make sure that the units behave the way the concept manager and artistic coordinator want them to.  This person will also be in charge of “crashing” the faction before it can be played.  Crashing is a process of fixing the individual mistakes in XMLs that are found by the Glest engine.Fluffy203
Foley artist: This person will be in charge of making sound effects for the faction as needed.  A recording device, experience in Foley work, and a sound editor like Audacity are probably necessary for this position.  Final products will need to be approved by the concept manager.Mark
Music Administrator: This person will be expected to create the background music for the faction.  The theme of the faction is key in creating appropriate music.  The background music is created through either original compositions or through royalty free soundtracks on the Internet.  This person will need to have their final products approved by the concept manager to ensure it fits the theme of the faction and is long enough (at least 7 minutes total).Archmage101
2D artist: In charge of the unit and building textures as well as the unit images (plus the faction stop, attack, move, etc. images).  All work will need to be approved by the artistic coordinator.MadElf
3D still artist: Is in charge of the modeling of the faction.  They will make all still models, and for models that may need animations, the models will be given to the animations artist.  A labeled texture is necessary for the 2D artist to efficiently and correctly apply the correct texture to the model.  The model will need to be approved by the artistic coordinator.  Hectate
Animations artist: This person will do all animations for the still models that the 3D artist gives him.  All animations will need to be approved by the concept manager and the artistic coordinator.  The unit’s final product will need to be approved by the czar.Elimnator

I will add names to the positions as soon as people volunteer.

Each position on this team can be an oligarchy (manned by more than one person) except the czar. The czar is a one-person position because one person can best handle the job rather than managing by committee.  In addition, each lower position is headed by one manager, and possibly others who help him.  The manager of that sub-team is who is responsible for the work getting done, and will also take the heat if it doesn’t get done!

The positions are decided by whoever PMs me first.  If the position you want has been taken, then I will PM you back so that you can choose a second choice.  Personally, I would like to be the concept manager, but that position is unnecessary until the rest of the team is in place.  So please do not say you would like to be a concept manager until the rest of the positions has at least one person in them.  I will try to keep this first post updated with volunteers, so please do so promptly!  But don’t be too quick to volunteer because this is kind of a big commitment.

Below I have a hierarchical diagram of the team.  Please don't let this project die! ;D

I would like the discussion on this topic right now to only encompass questions you may have concerning the team and also a slight problem I have: This team needs a name!  I am open to ideas but I would like the teams to have a cool acronym.  Again, ideas are welcome!
« Last Edit: 22 June 2009, 17:02:07 by modman »


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #1 on: 1 June 2009, 08:14:52 »
I like the idea! I would like to volunteer for 2D artist, if there isn't one already!

Specially texturing, but I could make some cool images for units on Photoshop too.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #2 on: 1 June 2009, 08:48:10 »
Wow, this is what I had in mind for GLADE, can we please name it that?
I'll volunteer for the Artistic coordinator, since i can do all that stuff.
There's one thing missing, concept artists? thought about that, I mean it's pretty hard for a modeler to build his own look without some references.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #3 on: 1 June 2009, 10:12:30 »
Wow, this is what I had in mind for GLADE, can we please name it that?

I love the name!  :D


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #4 on: 1 June 2009, 18:01:34 »
I could make some 3D still art.

(But my textures are not very good)
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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #5 on: 1 June 2009, 20:11:16 »
Hey i'll jump aboard i can 3d model like crazy and i can xml , working on coding  ;D


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #6 on: 2 June 2009, 01:29:10 »
I'm learning really fast at animating, but I don't think I'm quite good enough to be the "head" of anything just yet.  I'll pitch in what I can.  :-[


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #7 on: 2 June 2009, 22:19:05 »
i'd like to be the music administrator

and i'd like the team to work on my mod
because i'm really not much of a 3D artist and i was thinking about creating a team like this that could help me on my Roman faction

i need lots of help on the Roman faction and i think that it should be completed because:

we have magic, tech, chinese, pirates, persians, norseman, and others still in progress(egyptians, etc.....)

we've gotten a lot of the major races/empires of the old world, but i think the most influential(from what i know of the old world) empire was the Roman Empire, it was the central power of the old world for hundreds of years.

Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #8 on: 3 June 2009, 02:17:08 »
OK!  Thank you all for the fast responses!  I have updated the list of the open positions, but please PM me if you want a position.

What exactly does GLADE stand for?  I like the name a bunch, and I cannot come up with a better one.  I can up with the FAT team (Faction Advancement Team).  For that team, I was thinking we would also have a mascot of a hippo or something.  But please tell me what you think!

This topic is NOT for making requests right now.  It is for questions, and other things besides requests.

I still need a foley artist and a czar!  I would like someone who has been on the forums for at least nine months and has experience in making factions (like Titi, Omega or John D. H.).  Until all of the positions are filled, I will still be in charge of the team, but after that, the czar takes over.
« Last Edit: 3 June 2009, 02:33:48 by modman »


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #9 on: 3 June 2009, 02:32:49 »
i nominate omega for czar
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #10 on: 3 June 2009, 02:34:38 »
This is not an elected position!  It is whoever notifies me first!


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #11 on: 3 June 2009, 02:36:43 »
that is an illogical method
but it is your decision
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #12 on: 3 June 2009, 04:56:45 »
GLADE stands for GLest Association of Developement Enthusiasts, how about it?
As far as I'm concerned, i'd like titi to lead the team.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #13 on: 3 June 2009, 11:20:15 »
It looks like the positions are filled but if you need another 3d/animation artist i could help out.  ;)
Check out my new Goblin faction -


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #14 on: 3 June 2009, 11:36:30 »
what are you saying dude, we need you!!
if want you can even take my place.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #15 on: 3 June 2009, 12:55:43 »
Having multiple team members in a single position (or a single member in multiple positions) can speed up development.

You get to do unit X, I do unit Y, etc.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #16 on: 3 June 2009, 14:59:56 »
Yes, that would probably work, the only problem being if the unit creators had different styles of modelling.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #17 on: 3 June 2009, 18:05:00 »
Thats what the coordinator is for.


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #18 on: 3 June 2009, 22:16:00 »
MadElf, ElimiNator,

As the 2D artist and Animator (respectively), I need to ensure that my work will be compatible with the tasks you will be assigned to. Will you both be able to work with the .blend file that I produce or should it be exported differently?
Also, MadElf - do you wish to do the UV unwraps yourself, since you'd be working the texture completely yourself? Or would you prefer for me to unwrap and label the polygons before forwarding the task to you?


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Re: Team for Faction Making
« Reply #19 on: 4 June 2009, 02:03:28 »
Hi guys!

Actually, John.d.h volunteered to be the czar.  But Titi is good at modeling (no offense to John 8)) so he could be useful there.  Not all is lost! ;D

I am glad to adopt GLADE as the team name; I will change the topic title, and it would be nice if I could get this topic stickied.  I think that a grasshopper would be a good symbol for this team, since grasshoppers are cool and live in topographical glades.

My brother Mark decided to help out as the Foley artist.  The trick to the position is to know Audacity tricks and be a perfectionist with each sound.  I agreed to help him out with learning Audacity, but it's actually pretty easy to learn.

This means that all of the positions are filled!  Consequently, I am no longer in charge!

All requests for a second in command for a position on the team should be relayed by personal message to the first in command at that position.  Numbers are definitely welcome since most of the jobs at each position take lots of time.

//EDIT I think preying mantises are even cooler, so I'll go with that!
« Last Edit: 7 June 2009, 20:11:14 by modman »


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Re: GLADE Team
« Reply #20 on: 4 June 2009, 03:07:43 »
Great, let's get hopping (not punny, ouch?  :D ). What's my first mesh to build?

Also, that's a praying (preying?) mantis in the image. hehe

Quote from: modman
All requests for a second in command for a position on the team should be relayed by personal message to the first in command at that position.  Numbers are definitely welcome since most of the jobs at each position take lots of time.
By "First-in-command" you mean the coordinator for that position (such as the artistic coordinator) as opposed to the person currently in the position requested (such as an artist)? It seems that the coordinator would be the qualified person to collect team-members since it's their duty to supply tasks. Correct?
« Last Edit: 4 June 2009, 03:18:42 by Hectate »


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Re: GLADE Team
« Reply #21 on: 4 June 2009, 03:15:45 »
I must say.. this sounds very cool!

Although lately I have done little work on any modding, I still often browse and see what's developing here in the mod forum.

For most of the summer I'll probably be too busy to be of much help, but I think that in the future I would be interested in joining in on your mod-squad. For now, I will be watching with joyful anticipation to see what unfolds from this group and offer the occasional comment.

And hey.. good job modman for really getting things started here. Since I first came on this forum, people have been talking about community mods, but nothing has come of it. My hat goes off to you.

(and yeah Hectate... first I saw the mascot and thought. "whoa... have I suddenly been volunteered for something without my knowing?"  ;D)


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Re: GLADE Team
« Reply #22 on: 4 June 2009, 05:28:10 »
here's a link to the GLADE page on the elves website:


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Re: GLADE Team
« Reply #23 on: 4 June 2009, 06:02:08 »
If nobody has any objections, I guess we should start coming up with what we want to do first.  Personally, I think that we should first start with something small.  I have multiple reasons for this.  First, we need to see how well the team works together, how well we can coordinate, and just generally work out how we do things.  Secondly, baby steps!  Once we get our first taste of success, then everything else will be much easier.  Small, obtainable goals are key.  So basically we need to come up with a goal.  Also, it might be good to work out some procedures, like what file hosting sites to use, how to contact each other, etc.  As for starting off small, I think it would be easiest to take a mod that's already been started but isn't seeing any progress lately, and finish it.  In my opinion, a million unfinished mods aren't as good as a single finished one.  Personally, I favor Dark Magic since there's already been quite a bit of work done for it (I think) but we haven't seen anything new for it in a long time.  Also, we've already got Modman onboard, so we won't have to worry about taking some random person's mod and screwing it up in a way they wouldn't want.  On top of that, it's only a single faction with a regular-sized tech tree.  That's just my opinion; I definitely want to hear everybody else's ideas!


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Re: GLADE Team
« Reply #24 on: 4 June 2009, 08:40:14 »
I would also be a member of the team, but we tried things like these before and it all ended up in nothing because everyone only wants to finish his own mod.
But if its different this time and we can focus on a common project ( for example dark magic ) I would also really like to be a member.

And I fully aggree with John that the main focus must be a finished faction!
Something that we should decide first is the license we are going to use, because this will limit the ressources we will use for textures/sounds/music.  I would prefer GPL because it would fit best with the glest code which is also GPL. ( and it would fit with the megapack too )
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios

