I'm having the same troubles. I'm using Ubunt 9.04, installed the packages glest- and glest-data-
This is what the terminal says:
get fences failed: -1
param: 6, val: 0
Exception: Error accessing value: AutoTest in: glest.ini
Value not found in propertyMap: AutoTest, loaded from: glest.ini
Besides, there is no "Autotest" in glest.ini, the logfile is empty.
I read an article about a X-Server-Bug
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance#Problem:%20/dev/dri/card0%20permissions%20are%20incorrect, but couldn't get the gpg-key that's mentioned at the end of the article. The keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com is not responding - i tried to get it and still failed after 2 weeks.
I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FS115B, 1GB RAM, Intel M730,1.6GHz.
Maybe you can give me a clue ?.
Greetings sumycobi