Author Topic: titans mod  (Read 8101 times)


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titans mod
« on: 19 June 2009, 20:01:30 »
ok here my idea
each faction (including all added factions) will get a titan and a titans gate.
te titan wouldbe double the size of a behemoth (aka giant) and have lots of health and a special attack
i hav the xml's but i need some one to do models
i have magics titan:
giant ghost like thing (sythe? mabye) special is to summon cheap temporary units
titan gate is a giant pit

techs titan:
giant robot? can fire laser(oh yeah)
titan gate is a factory

i also have and xml that only allows one titan for each faction,so once its dead thats it, they can be healed though.
anyone wanna help
I need:
one modeler
one sfx
one texture artist / 2d artist


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #1 on: 20 June 2009, 00:06:43 »
Would each faction only get a titan, titan gate and a few underlings? because that should be an easy project.  I will do XMLs and some texturing for titans if it is that small, because i don't want to be overburdened, what with glade team and all that.

Here are some other ideas:

magic alternative titans: 
Litch lord
Dark Knight

tech alternative titans: 
Leonardo Da Vincis tank

P.S.  How do you get there to be only one Titan allowed? ???


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #2 on: 20 June 2009, 05:32:33 »
Sounds like a GAE idea to me (I find the way that sounds somewhat humorous). But seriously, the GAE team has been working on stuff like heroes and branching tech trees.

For a a non-GAE solution, it might be possible to create a resource with which you start with only 1, and cannot produce any more of. That one resource could be a requirement of a titan (a sort ot titan token). Once you build a titan, your token is gone-zo's.


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #3 on: 20 June 2009, 16:43:24 »
Curse you for stealing one of my many ideas.
But i can texture farely well.


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #4 on: 20 June 2009, 17:27:13 »
no to allow only one titan i made a resource called titan soul that u get 1 of and no way to get more.
p.s mark i likethe lich lord idea can u model it? (i hav xml's all ready.)
for tech i think mabye a clockwork robot? or knight idea

after tech and magic we can do norse and indian.


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #5 on: 20 June 2009, 18:16:20 »
For the norseman it should be Thor
i know they already have that unit, but you should delete that thor and replace it.


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #6 on: 20 June 2009, 18:57:09 »
nice idea dor but if they've got thor praps something else? mabye a frost giant
remember the titan is giant so people like units won't work very well monsters are better


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #7 on: 22 June 2009, 01:10:58 »
No, sorry, i can't model at all, so i can't do your lich lord.  But if you want, i can supply you with handdrawn concept art and google images of what i think is cool.  A clockwork robot is pretty cool, because tech is steampunk, which means a certain kind of machinery.
lich lord:


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #8 on: 22 June 2009, 16:06:29 »
hey cool thats the same pic im lookin at but we need someone to model it


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #9 on: 22 June 2009, 21:25:58 »
I suggest uploading everything that you have and make a public download link.  That way, since work is going really slow, it will never be lost. 


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #10 on: 23 June 2009, 15:25:30 »
good idea i'll do it now should be up in the next few days(from this post)


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #11 on: 14 July 2009, 16:41:07 »
i'm going to upload the xml's what file sharing site do you want (it will probably be mediafire)


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Re: titans mod
« Reply #12 on: 14 July 2009, 18:48:13 »
i'm going to upload the xml's what file sharing site do you want (it will probably be mediafire)
I like to use Sourceforge or Mediafire.  Mostly mediafire because it is so simple.

Hows that model coming along?