Welcome Aboard Darkholme!
You said that you planned on learning how to do XML, textures and modeling on the way. XML is very easy to learn (It only took me 3 weeks of attempting to get some successful coding). Textures are not as easy to learn, so i recommend starting with paint.net, or if you are already competent with other programs that can open TGAs, you can learn everything from tutorials. Modeling, IDK, because i am still confused on how to even apply a texture, or anything else to do with modeling as well.
For help with naming things, here are some names: (buildings in italics are ones i recommend)
Main Building: Castle, Keep, Palace, Citadel, Fortress, Stronghold, House,
Bestiary: Good name, i like it
Sanctuary: Church, Cathedral,
Armory: I like it
I am going to try not to critique your ideas too much due to the fact that i have not read those books or played those games. If you plan to get help on this, then i would suggest that you post concept art and descriptions of each unit, and many people are busy with the GLADE team project.