Yes, the idea could be good, though GAE's primary focuses should be in new previously mentioned new features (TRANSPORT UNITS!!!)
Ahhh.... transport units....
It's actually kind of difficult to keep all these ideas in mind, I'm going to recommend using the 'Feature Requests' tracker on sourceforge,, I never saw the trackers on codemonger before the bugs server went down, so apologies to anyone who painstakingly added stuff there... but if you put it up on the sourceforge tracker, we're never going to loose it.
I don't want to discourage talk on the forums, indeed you should talk about it on the forums, I'm not expecting people to use the tracker to discuss features (and I'd rather they didn't anyway) but it is a very good idea to discuss ideas with other modders. When you think you're 'on a winner' throw it on the tracker. It will get prioritised (and I can't guarantee you'll like the priority your idea gets, but these things take time, and time is unfortunately a resource that can only be harvested at a fixed rate
You can always go back and add more comments, or upload example pics etc... just try to keep it concise if possible (but not vague!)... The less time we're looking at the tracker, the more time we can actually bash bits about and try to make some of it happen.
I have added a few things that I've come across on the forums over the last week or two, but bearing in mind the paragraph above this one, I could probably be using that time better