Whohoho! Looking at that wikia page, I'm impressed. Just gotta clear things up with you though.
You stated that the coordinates go from 0-the size of the map, meaning a 128x128 map can have 0-128. But then if this is cells, then cell 0 is the first cell, and cell 128 does not exist. This brings another question, what happens when I try to take my unit to this non-existant 128th cell?
Also, the queries look absolutely incredible. Just what I needed. Particularily good for artificial path finding (send a unit to point A, then check if they are on point A, if so, have them go to point B).
First question about the queries: I don't know programming well at all, and don't know the format of the vector returns. Will it be in the '{x,y}' format or is it 'x y' or even 'x,y' or what?
The getUnitFaction(int unitId) will return a 0 - 3 depending on the faction NUMBER, right?
getLastCreatedUnitName(): is the string returned as the unparsed version of the unit name (ie: ghost_armor) or is it as the parsed version (ie: Ghost Armor). Because Glest will take out the underscore and capitalize, so I'm curious about the returns.
A few things I'd like to point out that Vanilla Glest shouldn't have had in Lau: firstly, there seemed to be some weird limit of size. My scripts didn't work if they were too big (ie: 8kb). Of course, I still use the beta, so that may be the cause, though I doubt, since there was no word of such a fix, and no news if anyone discovered it. Secondly if a title or string from the .lng wasn't there, it would display ??? in front and behind the string/title name. This should be taken out to all people to have a title that can be done with just the lua file, and in case of error, the title can be displayed. No biggy though.
- Compile and upload binaries for testers
Goody! I am going to test that Lua to the limits. Everything from every function in Vanilla Glest to every new one you described in the wiki, and will test in a mix and match!
EDIT// Say, I just realized, what about a timer? Or will that be added into a later release of GAE? I do hope that it could be done though. Lua does have a timing system though, such as os.time() -- Returns seconds since jan 1 1970 (theres a special name or that date, but can't remember). This could be useful in making the time, as well as the variables that can be passed into os.time() to make it return different values. Check this out, as it could be very handy. The difftime might be possible, but I'll leave such up to you.