I've just committed bug fixes for the last few issues that I knew about on trunk.
If anyone with SVN and a compiler wants to give it a spin...
It has:
+ Scenarios & LUA from Glest 3.2.2, but you have to (for now) create a directory called 'gae_scenarios' and and then create directories within that directory for categories, I, for example, have three directories in my gae_scenarios directory, 'tutorial', 'battle', and 'megapack'. The actual scenario folders then go in these category folders.
+ A shiny new path finder, and your choice of algorithm and node limit [These options will disappear one day, if/when multiplayer is fixed all players will need the same settings]. If it is compiled with _GAE_DEBUG_EDITION_ defined, extra options to draw pretty pictures on the map will be made available, all to do with the new path finder.
+ Support for additional fields of movement. [Though this is somewhat hindered by the lack of mechanism to build structures over different fields, so no shipyards yet, but a mechanism has been devised and is currently being worked on].
New binaries should be available within a week or so, barring any last minute discovery of particularly nasty bugs...