Paint? PAINT? PAINT?!?!?!
Dude, never, ever use microsoft paint. EVER. Get either GIMP, Photoshop, or Paint.NET. GIMP and Paint.NET are free, though Photoshop has the most tutorials, and is supposed to be very good.
While I see what you're trying to do, since these days, money is scarce, and I never seem to have enough (since I plan on buying a car this summer, since Drivers Ed starts in the fall). If you want to make money from models, sell them to professionals using websites. You need to upload models or model packs you think people would really need, and then upload to sites that let you charge money for models. Dunno if you'd be able to sell anything, but who knows? I've seen people selling friggin' STOCK ART for hundreds of dollars. God...
I agree with modman, either work for free, or at least start by working for free. Good luck selling anything though if you can't texture.