Speaking as one of the programmers on 0 A.D. (having only just discovered this forum):
I'm probably going to adapt the hierarchical pathfinder for them
Hmm, did you ask about pathfinding on our IRC channel a while ago? I remember somebody talking about something, but it's all a bit of a blur now
. I might be repeating stuff that's already known, but anyway: As far as I'm aware, the pathfinder currently in our game is very primitive (just doing some kind of A*); we have some newer code that uses some kind of triangulation approach, but it relies on a non-Free library for some maths stuff, so we've disabled it now (with the plan being to maybe rewrite the parts of that library we need or get it released under a free license, and/or rewrite the pathfinder entirely if there's a better approach).
This seems like an area where it'd be great to collaborate with Glest, if our requirements are similar enough for that to work. I know approximately nothing about Glest's code, but since we've finally moved to open source it'd be good to see if some sharing of ideas or code would be possible.
I had to do a SVN 'update' about 12 times after the initial checkout to get everything, which got a bit tedious
The SVN server was a little busy (it peaked at about 30Mbit/sec and has had a terabyte of traffic in the past two weeks, which is an 'interesting' challenge to cope with when I've never done this kind of thing before), so I thought it was better to restrict connections than to have the server explode. Traffic's died down now so it should be much more reliable
their rendering engine is clearly much more sophisticated than Glest's, and of course the quality of the models and textures is top notch, helped by the fact that they are probably doing bump mapping and other fancy stuff that Glest doesn't do
As gAMeboy says, there's no bump mapping - it's pretty much just polygons, textures, some vertex lighting, shadow maps, and that's about it. (Plus a pixel shader for water). I think the rendering engine itself is reasonably sophisticated in terms of structure, but it doesn't do any fancy graphical effects.
Atlas is the Map/Scenario editor, and would have many people here drooling on their keyboards...
Just out of interest (since I wrote most of it
, and it'd be good to know where to focus future development), what do you like about it? (I have no idea what Glest's editing tools are like so I haven't got anything to compare it to.)
(By the way, if you're counting code size then source/tools/atlas/wxJS is a fairly large external library (copied into our source tree since it needs a few patches and feature additions) and should probably be excluded from counts. source/dcdt should be excluded too, since that's the non-Free triangulation library.)
most units have different skins, so if you produce some hoplites they don't look exactly the same, especially the shields.
It's not really skins - there are mesh variations too. (A unit might have a body, plus a head, plus a weapon, plus a shield, with several choices of head mesh and several choices of head texture etc, and the game randomly mixes all the bits together.)