Hey everyone, i just registered in the ladder challenge and wanted to say a few things:
I just started playing Glest for linux; the game is good, but i doubt if it can be really competitive (i hope it is). I have some RTS background, so after i understood the basics (thank you Michel Hoffert for glest.110mb), i played a few games vs the AI, and after 4 or 5 games, i beat the computer every time and pretty much in every fashion. Thats why i`d like to play vs other people, not to win but just to improve, and learn how to play this game "right".
The ladder idea is great, let`s hope the modders can make a software based ladder in the future so kukak doesn`t have to do all this manually...
Please anyone who is running the Glest 3.2.2 in linux, and wanna play for the ladder, or just practice, work on strategies, refine build orders, discuss about the game mechanics, etc. feel free to challenge me via PM or here, and we can organize some games.
Oh, by the way, i play `magic´ and will have glest for windows when i can fix my broken pc (im on my sister´s laptop for now).
Thanks everyone for reading, good luck