To connect to a server you need the server's IP, the IP is shown in the lower left corner of the "new game" menu. This is the right IP for LAN play, however if you are under router and you want to play over the internet, you will need the IP of the router. Once you have connected to a server once, the game will remember it, and you can select it from the server list, in the "join game" menu.
Glest uses TCP port 61357, if you are behind a router you will have to forward this port to your computer if you want to host games.
*I really need to know what this means since I am trying to host with a router...*
and that 32 bit vs. 64 bit games are only possible if the player with the 64 bit machine is using 32 bit binaries too.
*I also don't know what this means*
Wow I feel like a noob, sorry guys =(