Neither of these are actively developed but the other two choices (GUIChan and CEGUI) that are, I feel are not appropriate for GAE. GUIChan doesn't have themes modifyable through files/scripts (although now I look it has an xml extension); CEGUI is too heavy weight and I don't like the casting used in the code (and a pain to integrate).
glgooey: Dock, Layout management (flow, complexgrid, grid), signals and slots, states for components, xml skins
openglui: Java style events, everything can be setup in XML (except different states), layout management (grid, free, Y/XAXIS_LAYOUT), font manager, MediaPathManager
glgooey: Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, TextEdit (with selection and in-game clipboard), SpinBox, ProgressBar, Slider, StaticText(label), Window (moveable), ScrollBars, MultiTextButton, ListBox, RadioButton
openglui: Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, TextEdit, Slider, StaticText(label), Window (moveable unkown), RadioButton, TabbedWindow
glgooey: Consistent and well documented (doxygen). Appears to be good coding. Uses a renderer class but only for generic things, components are rendered in desc classes, style isn't as familiar as we're used to (ie return types on newline and separator comments), uses some bit mangling for serialisation I don't understand, uses some macros for serialisation.
openglui: very nicely formatted, some documentation, TinyXML hasn't been abstracted, organisation of code is not as good (required utils and other in a parent dir), lacks namespaces
=========Image Support
glgooey: DevIL (most you can think of) or PNG
openglui: TGA, PNG, JPEG
=========Font Support
glgooey: custom True Type Font rendering
openglui: bitmap/TGA font, font manager
=========Skin Support
glgooey: different style for different state (pressed, etc), border/background colour, font, sprite map, alpha, font size, vertical/horizontal alignment, modify the individual components, widths, strickly skin rather than define everything in xml
openglui: border/background colour, layout, texture, references other xml files, specify text, size, specify component values (eg combobox), sprite map, font
Both: GLUT examples, come with project files, code size is roughly the same (~2MB)
glgooey: self contained lib, good documentation in examples
openglui: can be made into a lib, might conflict since lack of namespaces
I think GLGooey is more complete and overall a better choice for Glest Advanced Engine.
It has all the features of OpenGLUI (except a tabbed window) and more. I would like to have the skinning separated into layout and appearence like how html and css are used but that can be added later.
The major difference with skinnning between the two is that OpenGLUI creates the components (and allows to input values) but GLGooey only modifies the appearence. OpenGLUI is unable to modify the different states of a component, for example, if you wanted to have different images for un/pressed button, this is not possible.
GUIChan might be worth a look but I think GLGooey is suitable.