Incendium. Just for information purposes. Dont specifically go with what anyone here might advise you on no matter how informed they may think they are. Your best places are sites such as Memory Alpha (star trek wiki), Star (official concerning series and films). Of course. The best thing is to watch the films thelseves, and if your after information concerning the Borg, "First Contact" (or at least the battle at the beginning is a very good source.
Still. This is your mod, so its your decision what you want to add.
Just a note archmage. The prometheus was not involved in any Borg Incursion. The only time its seen was "VOY: Message in a Bottle" which didn't involve the borg in any way, and possibly "VOY: Endgame" in which the borg were involved but its not 100% certain that the Prometheus itself was seen at the end. Only a class of ship that matched the Prometheus. Also whilst its been proven to be the only vessel with MVAM (Multi Vector Assault Mode) its not been proven as canon that other ships of the same class have the same capabilities. The Galaxy "X" is not in any kind of X layout (look at the nacelle configuration). Far to many people refer to it, when its just a heavily refitted alternative future version. As for ships on the list either not in use or non-canon, who cares?? It was stated that in the case of dire need Starfleet does bring any, and all ships out of mothballs and back into active service (remember the USS Bozeman when it was brought through a time dialation in one fo the TNG episodes. In "DS9: Emissary" the ship was used during the first borg cube incursion but was destroyed).
Anyway, Incendium nice work so far and if you need any models for those missing off your list give me a shout. I've only recently heard of this gamengine and this mod and its looking pretty good so far.