Ok Mark, I know I posted a reply to this, I remember writing it.
It was pretty long.
But it's not here for some reason.............
That is why I compose in a word document. On my jumpdrive (I practically live off the poor thing), I have a blank document where I save my posts before I post them on the forums, and once I post them, I clear the document and save it.
Well, I would really like to know why I should download. Here is what I would have to do to play the faction:
1. Convince parents to let me on the laptop to get on the internet.
2. Bargain with modman for some time.
3. Open up Glest Forums.
4. Review my favorite topics, and all ones in Mods, Maps, Tilesets and scenarios and General Discussion board.
5. Download subject item. (in this case a faction patch). Takes a long time on my internet speed.
6. Put item on jumpdrive.
7. Take jumpdrive to my desktop (which has no internet access), and copy/cut files to glest folder.
8. Play game with faction.
So yeah, that and the fact I can't remember the last time I played a game of glest for pleasure. The process in downloading things is just a real pain.