
Do you want the Graphic Package added to the Roman Faction?

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Author Topic: Fantasy Roman Faction: 3.0 Released!  (Read 53987 times)


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #25 on: 7 September 2009, 05:39:14 »
I need help.
Glest crashes when I run it but I just can't find the problem, although the glest.log says the temple is the problem. Please help.

If you manage to fix the problem then send me the link over PM, do not post it.

EDIT//Thanks guys, I'll fix it and release shortly.
« Last Edit: 7 September 2009, 06:22:55 by archmage101 »
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #26 on: 7 September 2009, 06:16:00 »
i'll check it for you  ;D


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #27 on: 7 September 2009, 06:19:36 »
Thanks. Your the man, man.
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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #28 on: 7 September 2009, 06:20:16 »
You've got mail.


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #29 on: 7 September 2009, 06:21:48 »
Yes I know thanks John.
Fluff thanks for offering.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #30 on: 7 September 2009, 06:34:21 »
woah that was quick lol nice john


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #31 on: 7 September 2009, 06:39:31 »
Fluffy if you downloaded it then you can go ahead and try to make it run.

Cause I looked at the list the John gave me and I though I fixed everything but no.....
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #32 on: 7 September 2009, 06:54:15 »
ok well let me wing it then =P


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #33 on: 7 September 2009, 06:57:16 »
Ok, thanks.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #34 on: 7 September 2009, 07:04:04 »
ok fixed the first problem , but then you have another after i fix the temple


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #35 on: 7 September 2009, 07:09:16 »
Yah I know since I uploaded that one you have a fixed most of them but some I just can't fix.
Well send it to me over PM when you have finished.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #36 on: 7 September 2009, 07:28:28 »
easy fix just add the fourm to the training camp that should do it =)


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #37 on: 7 September 2009, 09:00:37 »
DOUBLE POST , just cause i can  ;D , ok i'll pm you the fixed rar , but dude love this mod it is awesome , couldn't have done it better myself  , i played it and  raped the magic with them , i do have some issues tho , your calvary take longer to produce than the general which is weird , idk if that is intent or not , but your turtle form, WHERE IS MY TURTLE , i was like no he didn't and you didn't you put a BOX not a TURTLE , i was so disappointed  :'(  , and if you want send me your tent textures i'll make them look more like a tent cover instead of just plan team color =) , but all in all great you get a 4/5 just some small tweaks and this will be amazing , btw consider a chariot , they took it from the egyptians , but they had them , plus a chariot spear thrower just sounds awesome =P


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #38 on: 7 September 2009, 12:40:59 »
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #39 on: 7 September 2009, 15:06:39 »
The BETA2 will be released within the hour! With major spelling corrections and minor stat changes.
Thank you Fluffy for fixing the problem, I managed to open the archive.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #40 on: 7 September 2009, 16:00:13 »
I will upload my helmets tonight.


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #41 on: 7 September 2009, 16:02:38 »
new helmets yay!!! i luv helmets. XD


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #42 on: 7 September 2009, 16:43:07 »
Wait a sec I want to do the fixing of the models tell me whats wrong and Ill fix it ok?
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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #43 on: 7 September 2009, 20:44:39 »
Okay, here are three variations on the classic roman Galea helmet.  There are of course many more, but these are the three most prominent ones.

Download:  http://www.filefront.com/14485685/Galea.zip (140 KB  :) )

They are not textured and are very low poly.  Feel free to modify them, just give me credit, please.

Note: I have yet to play your faction but when I do I will tell you which helmet goes to which soldier.  For now I just have this:


Galea w/Plume (Left):  This a very basic design of the Galea helmet that has a plume that points backwards.  It was used by early-middle Roman Republican armies of Hastati (Low ranking/poor spearmen and later swordsmen), Principes (Mid ranking/moderately wealthy spearmen and later swordsmen), and Triarii.  These all were not used after the Reforms of Marian in the 2nd century B.C.E.
Plain Galea (Middle):  This a plain Galea, and the norm for later Roman Legionnaires and non commanding troops, such as equites and richer auxiliaries.  It was very strong in design and performed marvelously.
Galea w/Sideways Plume (Right):  This is a normal Galea helmet with 3 modifications:  1.) the Quality of metal used was slightly higher, as the officer could afford it.  2.) It had bronze or gold gildings on it, making the wearer look "as lustrous as a god's own armament".  In other words, it looked good :).  3.) It had a sideways plume that helped him be recognized in the confusion of battle.  This was even more helpful when the ordinary soldier stopped wearing plumes himself, as he had no reason to be recognized.

More info to come!

Wait a sec I want to do the fixing of the models tell me whats wrong and Ill fix it ok?

I am not sure what you are asking:
If you are saying you don't want to redo the models, the answer is:
You asked for them, now you at least should consider using them.

If you are asking why they need to be change the answer is:
They are more similar to Italian Barbute helmets, rather than Roman ones.

Edit:  Heres some feedback:
General Changes

•   Helmet with simple Plume
Spearman (Because he looks like a Princeps spearman)
•   Plain
Heavy Cavalry
Turtle Formation
Wartime Mechanic

•   Helmet with Sideways Plume

No Helmet/Other Suggestions
Archer should have no helmet
Longbowman: Longbows weren’t invented until the middle ages
Spike Ball Man: How did a medieval era unit get in here AGAIN?!?  The Romans didn’t even have flails.
Turtle Formation:  How about call it a Tortoise?  I don’t really like the feel, or how it has 3800 + Vertices, but since it is a late game unit that’s fine.
Why do all the units have scale armor?  That was generally only used by Auxiliaries.

Overall, this faction needs a lot of work, but it is only a beta, so it is expectable.  There are other things that could definitely be changed, but I am too busy to do that now.
« Last Edit: 7 September 2009, 21:18:53 by Mark »


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #44 on: 7 September 2009, 22:59:58 »
This isn't supposed to be accurate, it's supposed to be a fantasy version of the romans.

I'd like to keep the longbowman, I didn't ask for a spikeballman I didn't even know about it until I looked in the units folder.

But I like the way we've sort of mixed the middle ages and Romans.

If you want to I could create a Roman Faction that's much more accurate. But then it wouldn't fit in Glest as well. Mark I remember you being against having historical mods so I took that in to consideration when I designed this.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #45 on: 7 September 2009, 23:11:09 »
dude my mod is so far from history and i like your mod the way it is a couple of tweaks , but don't change it or i will murder you seriously  >:(


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #46 on: 8 September 2009, 00:02:10 »
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #47 on: 8 September 2009, 00:13:22 »
Not if you don't finish this mod  ;)


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #48 on: 8 September 2009, 01:22:59 »
Well, I don't know how you came under the impression of me not liking things historical, but I also like how it isn't historical.  With this mod, I may have to rethink my opinion.   :)

All in all, with some texturing redos and some minor stat changes this mod could be great.  And maybe you could use my helmet model?


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Re: The Roman Faction
« Reply #49 on: 8 September 2009, 05:09:31 »
maybe you could use my helmet model?
I just might If it looks good but the votes out if itll be changed.
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