hey trap. just checked out your re'mappin.
not too bad, and it was actually something similar to what i was looking to do. but i didnt completely understand the hieght's completely... and i thought i HAD to put grass down. but looking at your mapping i have a better understanding of that, and what you mean by convential mapping.
i still need to know what all the custom resources are, custom objects....etc.
until i do... im just afraid im not use'n everything i can to make a map tip top.
again. figured out screen shots. once i get around to it ill throw out a couple for you guys from trap's new model of it. ill play around with it a tiny bit, maybe try to make the middle a little more conventional... but i still want it to be a ses-pool of constant battles from all 4 corners. as trap could probably tell you... the emphasis is really on controlling the sides of the map to get resources and cut off your enemies ability to make their army bigger/faster.
but i really appreciate the thoughts/actions bro. you put a lot in perspective for me that i was missing.
i know its not easy lookin at a "newb" mod'er to a game, and trying to explain all the simple stuff. but like i said... im only like 3 days into this stuff... and i do have experiance mod'n. its just a matter of time before i figure it all out. so thanks alot.
i also figured out to some extent scenerio's. so ill probably set up a scenario with frozen winter, or two...
all depending on how much time i put into stuff tonight.
still working on river works... but with the re'mapp'n of FW, im going to have to scrap it. and redo it. which is totally fine with me. also.. probably going to write out some tech's. i have no ability to make the models or art or anything... but im going to write out the concepts and flow chart for a couple of my ideas from my "military" idea. and probably redo a magic tech to my own like'n and i thought of a cool heaven/hell (angels vs demons) concept and flow chart before i slept last night.
but.. when i get around to SS's, and "revamping" the middle of frozen winter... i will Edit my first post and re-link the download for you guys.
for now you guys can still take a look and let me know what you think. any suggestions... or any explainations of the custom objects would wtf pwn
