I'm going to cut to the chase. Here's some Lua suggestions I've been hoping for for military. They are not particularily complex, nor are super powerful, but useful none-the-less.
1. Way to get the typed text (needs hotkeys disabled while typing), as well as team/all. From when we press enter and type, normally meant for multiplayer.
2. Way to display text in the console. Errors are displayed in the console, but what about Lua messages?
3. Way to instantly give an upgrade to a faction. Now THIS is vital. Not sure why it's been overlooked.
4. Way to check if faction has an upgrade. Goes hand in hand with the last one.
5. Way to force unit location (no 2 space around sides). For precise placement. Should be done with an extra optional value in the createUnit(), such as createUnit('name', 0, startLocation(0), true).
6. Return true for button pressed on showMessage(), so to exectute AFTER all messages viewed, so we can get when the person has finished looking at the message. For example: myvariable = showMessage('xxx','xxx'), and my variable is false until the message 'ok' box is pressed.
7. Hold Position command. Simple nuf. Just perhaps holdPosition('unit').