Who thinks we should make another glest team?
I do.
The Glest Team is the team which worked on the original Glest. It is closed and dissolved, after years of progress on the engine, and on Magitech. During this time, you will notice,
only two factions were made! Also, I think none of you know C++ well enough to measure up to the original Glest Team.
I don't see what is wrong with the Glade Team as it is. Actually, the problem is that *cough*
some people promised to help/signed up, and then didn't. Or some were enthusiastic, but didn't want to come along for the ride. If you do make another team, you will need more committed members just to simply stay afloat. If you aren't committed, you'll all fall apart before you can get one mod out. That's assuming, of course, that your mod takes a moderate amount of time, thus has a moderate quality. But the Glade Team is about doing mods
Another problem I see is that the Glade Team kinda was like a sifter; it sorted out the committed members at the time from those who were not. So the committed members will not want to switch; you haven't even defined exactly what is wrong with Glade!
I would recommend stating what is wrong with the Glade Team, according you you, in the first place. The Glade Team has stability, and committed members. They have been in the Glade Team from the beginning. I personally am very committed to the Glade Team, and even more so to its current project. I have worked on Dark Magic for
more than a year. This gives the faction the advantage of tweaks and special insights which cannot be self-biased (liking the idea so much you haven't really thought it through).
I would advise anyone who wants to be a part of a mod which will be done well to join the Glade Team. We are always happy to accept new members.