See the Glest Guide:
Guarenteed Blender Tutorials on that site.
You've got a 403 going on.
Hmm, works fine for me. Either your network, or my server was down when you visited. It does that sometimes. The disadvantage of using a free thing. I would update to a paying site (like or but it is a bit expensive still... Will have to see if ads will work at all...?
I really need to update it. I've had a new version ready for a while now (everything updated EXCEPT the ads page, the donate button, and ads at the bottom of pages, but that will have to wait until I download my entire site.
OT: Part of my, I managed to make a full PHP script to place the entire site into a zip folder, force download of it, then delete the zip folder. It uses its own class, rather than a PCLE (or whatever the danged acronym is) one, and works great in my tests.