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Material Buttons (F5 while an object is selected)Material Buttons (click to enlarge)MaterialButtons are only shown when an object with an Material has been selected. To create a new Material or browse in the scene-materials use the MenuButton in the MaterialButtons header. This window allows control over properties as object color, shininess, transparency, textures, texture types, texture projection methods.More information about materials and texture maps is available in Texturing a Castle.Texture Buttons (F6)Texture Buttons (click to enlarge)In this window you can select several types of textures for use in a material, light or world setting. The available types are: Image: You can load an image as a 'texture map'. This image will then be projected on an object in the way that you define (for example using planar or spherical projection). Projection method is a material property. Procedural: Clouds, Wood, Marble, Magic, Blend, Stucci and Noise. These textures are predefined and have a number of parameters that you can adjust. Procedural textures are also truly three dimensional. An example of this would be a block of wood: if you cut out a part of it, the wood texture needs to continue on the inside in a realistic manner.Plugin: You can also program your own piece of code to use as a procedural texture. It is similar to writing a sequence editor plugin. More information about this can be found in the help section of this site.Environment map: Environment maps are used to simulate reflections of the environment in an object. To achieve this, Blender calculates six images from the object's viewpoint. These images are then combined to compute a reflection.