I want to create my own faction with blender (well i am trying to) just for fun and to see if I can make it, but I don't know what to do, what do i need in order for it to work? I know I need some working models, but how do I do that?
Can anyone explain it to me or give me a link to a website that can?
Any help is greatly appreciated, and of course when I actually made it, than I will show the faction (or some units) to you.
BTW I am total noob, I don't even know how to use blender (I will have to start from scratch, but that doesn't bother me) and i also have no experience in C++, so I will need to learn all of that stuff as well,
and please don't tell me that this is a challenge too big for me, or that I shouldn't even try starting this because i have no experience, i really really want to do this, so please no negative comments.