Author Topic: Please help with making my own faction!  (Read 1132 times)


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Please help with making my own faction!
« on: 19 October 2009, 03:05:01 »
I want to create my own faction with blender (well i am trying to) just for fun and to see if I can make it, but I don't know what to do, what do i need in order for it to work? I know I need some working models, but how do I do that?
Can anyone explain it to me or give me a link to a website that can?
Any help is greatly appreciated, and of course when I actually made it, than I will show the faction (or some units) to you.
BTW I am total noob, I don't even know how to use blender (I will have to start from scratch, but that doesn't bother me) and i also have no experience in C++, so I will need to learn all of that stuff as well,
and please don't tell me that this is a challenge too big for me, or that I shouldn't even try starting this because i have no experience, i really really want to do this, so please no negative comments.


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Re: Please help with making my own faction!
« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2009, 03:15:18 »
Okay, well, I will tell you what you need to know.  And by the way, learning to make factions in glest is a way to learn good skills.  And if you have the time, well, go for it!  :)

I could go over every little detail, but the best way to learn is by trial and error.  Just don't forget to ask questions, that is where the forums come in handy.

Here is a really good site made by Omega.  I learned my skills from experience making Dark Magic, so you have some good opportunities.

Good Luck!


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Re: Please help with making my own faction!
« Reply #2 on: 20 October 2009, 01:11:51 »
Thanks, That is really good, I appreciate that.


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Re: Please help with making my own faction!
« Reply #3 on: 20 October 2009, 19:49:19 »
HOLY CRAP!!! Blender is so hard to use, well I won't give up, I need a lot more practice!  :-\
well, i tried to create a wall, here is how far I got (note that this took me almost 3 hours!!!!!!):
(i dont know how to upload images, so if you want to see how far i got pm me and send me your email address, i will then send it to you)
I can tell you i didn't get that far, and then i got so frustrated that i took a long break playing glest, maybe tommorrow i do another tutorial from the blender site directly, so that i can get the basics of how to use blender.


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Re: Please help with making my own faction!
« Reply #4 on: 20 October 2009, 22:42:28 »
Ok, to upload an image you go to and upload the file.
Then you post the link to the file.
Please just send me the model, I prefer to see and mess around with the model in Blender.
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