Author Topic: Ice Age Era - WIP  (Read 50237 times)


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #100 on: 5 November 2009, 06:33:46 »
This faction builds quicker then the other factions. It also overpowers Tech completely with HP and Damage, though the draw back is that the Ice Age era's armor is only organic.

Eliminator, you could make a mammoth or animate one... Fluffy has made his but has not animated it yet. Theres also the sabretooth tiger, and the wooly rhino too


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #101 on: 5 November 2009, 15:22:54 »
actually, we were on the track of the Cro-Magnon dudes before, and i liked them better.
Personally, i think we should not label them and just call them "Cavemen" cuz that's what they are. Cavemen were these guys who wore furs and wood for protection and make spears out of rocks; and because of this, i think they should be weaker than everyone else, but way more resourceful and versatile (cavemen were smarter than people give them credit for).

and on the defense thing, we shouldnt have a defense (cuz steroid guys, mountains, and geysers just seem stupid.)


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #102 on: 5 November 2009, 15:54:34 »
Zoythrus we are having defense.

actually, we were on the track of the Cro-Magnon dudes before, and i liked them better.
Personally, i think we should not label them and just call them "Cavemen" cuz that's what they are. Cavemen were these guys who wore furs and wood for protection and make spears out of rocks; and because of this, i think they should be weaker than everyone else, but way more resourceful and versatile (cavemen were smarter than people give them credit for).

Zoythrus we will complete this faction the way it is and then you complain all you want.......
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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #103 on: 5 November 2009, 19:10:16 »
Ok ill texture and animate the mammoth, and Ill try to do the sabretooth tiger, ok?
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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #104 on: 5 November 2009, 19:21:39 »
i totally wanna see your tiger  ;)


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #105 on: 5 November 2009, 20:25:44 »
Zoythrus this is NOT a caveman tech okay? It is Ice Age. We will NOT make it nothing like a caveman tech because the people do not LOOK like CAVEMEN. THEY ARE MORE LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR HOODS AND STUFF AND HUNT IN GROOPS AND DO NOT HIDE IN CAVES.

Yes they WERE cavemen but this faction ISN'T!


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #106 on: 6 November 2009, 00:12:33 »
sorry if i have offended, but i am just generalizing (since we still arent too sure what the finished product will look like); i didnt mean that they should be called "cavemen," its just a placeholder to prevent a fight over what they should be (Neanderthals or Cro-Magnon men)

@Archmage, im not complaining, im giving helpful criticism. like for example, im voting for the "no defense" option, it just seems logical to me, but you dont have to listen to me.


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #107 on: 6 November 2009, 01:47:04 »
Zoythrus this is NOT a caveman tech okay? It is Ice Age. We will NOT make it nothing like a caveman tech because the people do not LOOK like CAVEMEN. THEY ARE MORE LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR HOODS AND STUFF AND HUNT IN GROOPS AND DO NOT HIDE IN CAVES.

Yes they WERE cavemen but this faction ISN'T!
Whoa! Calm down, there!  Ice age peoples were Neolithic (Stone age people with knowledge of copper, beginnings of farming and other minor advances), and their precursors Mesolithic peoples.  Nothing is wrong with cavemen, but i would prefer the name be 'Ice Agers' (or something like it), but the theme should be nomadic Mesolithic people (Like pre-colombian eskimos, or Inuit tribespeople of canada, whichever you prefer), guys in large animal-skin overcoats. 

I think I'd prefer this faction to not have a defensive unit at all.  Ice age people wouldn't have had much time or the materials to build up fortifications since they were always on the move, following herds of migratory prey.
I think I somewhere misstated that I would like a defensive building.  I think that since the people will probably only have a slight HP advantage and a giant armor disadvantage, not to mention lack of structures, they should harvest quickly.  They need to be like people completely connected with nature.  In the stone ages, people were forced to understand and be in constant tune with nature.  With the advent of farming, this changed, and people began to focus more on crops than the forest nearby that sheltered their ancestors.  This translates into how the Ice Age faction should be very quick at building, harvesting trees and foraging (for this I would like a new building).


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #108 on: 6 November 2009, 03:26:44 »
i think all of their buildings should be able to be packed up and mobile...


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #109 on: 6 November 2009, 03:41:04 »
Looks like no one likes to listen to my suggestions  :-\.

i think all of their buildings should be able to be packed up and mobile...

These "Ice Agers" didn't make a mobile building. Besides if they did how did they move? With wheels or rocks?


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #110 on: 6 November 2009, 04:01:42 »
I don't much care for the mobile buildings idea, but if you were going to do that, the tent-like buildings could be rolled up and tied to the back of an animal.  Small buildings could use an ox (aurochs?) while larger ones could be towed on a sled.  I'm surprised no one has mentioned guard dogs yet.  The domestication of the wolf was one of the biggest and most important developments for early mankind.
Looks like no one likes to listen to my suggestions  :-\.
... or anyone else's. ;D


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #111 on: 6 November 2009, 04:37:17 »
We could but that would be hard work and would be too much to ask for the people helping me. And it would be cool to have mobile buildings, when I attempted to make some alien faction with a base that attacks and moves but has limitations like the golem.

If someone else could be bothered then I would reconsider this idea, but for now it will be simple


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #112 on: 6 November 2009, 05:45:06 »
If you want wen I do the mammoth Ill make movements of him with him having a tent, spears, and 3 logs (Or some thing else).
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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #113 on: 6 November 2009, 09:50:04 »
A mammoth is just a mammoth :P Nothing more nothing less :P


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #114 on: 6 November 2009, 12:56:53 »
I like Johns guard dog idea.
You'd have to add a domestication upgrade, and then one of the building could produce the guard dog...........
I got it! How about the defensive tall strong man can summon them, since he can die kind of easily, the guard dogs would be his "support units". :)
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #115 on: 6 November 2009, 14:53:32 »
i see, a nice "pet" system...


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #116 on: 6 November 2009, 15:15:45 »
Sorry this is not a GAE mod.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #117 on: 6 November 2009, 20:29:31 »
GAE is just like blender for me lol... I only make scenarios in normal lua and not GAE :P


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #118 on: 6 November 2009, 22:15:47 »
GAE is the new "vanilla" (hate to break it to you Archmage), i think GAE would become more advanced if you gave it a bit more support. besides, GAE is 10X better than "vanilla" glest.

about the guard dog idea, i had a better way to implement it. why cant the defense be a dog cage, that makes (or somehow auto-spawns) war dogs as "pets."  the cage itself has no attack, but the dogs do. they would defend the cage (and anything in a certain radius) by biting or something like that


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #119 on: 6 November 2009, 22:28:11 »
We are not using GAE... I don't want to make people who are new to glest install GAE just for this mod... Besides, I have problems installing it.


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #120 on: 6 November 2009, 22:35:31 »
to me, it just seems like a step backwards. i only use GAE, and i would never look back to the vanilla stuff.  well, if you insist, i will post more vanilla-friendly ideas...

(we should make a GAE version, cuz fighting it is just futile)


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #121 on: 6 November 2009, 23:51:50 »
You know what Zoythrus, I'm also having problem with GAE, only one out of 4 of my CPUs can run it without some weird error.
If you want a GAE version make it yourself.
I'd love to use GAE but all it will do for me is crash.
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #122 on: 6 November 2009, 23:53:50 »
do you know why it crashes? maybe i can help you (im trying to bury the hatchet before there is one)


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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #123 on: 6 November 2009, 23:57:34 »
Do you use linux?
Egypt Remastered!

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Re: Ice Age Era
« Reply #124 on: 6 November 2009, 23:59:06 »

ok, sorry, i only like PCs.  well, now i cant help you, i am not good with linux.  didnt you say your only good comp is in Texas? when will you get that back?