Yes, Modman has a point.
We should get rid of the GMD team, it's a mess. Although I'd like to keep the maps, tilesets, scenarios branch because I organized that and it came out properly.
Arch, if you wonder why GLADE has more momentum, it is because it is so organized.
No I have never wondered, I already knew the answer.
The problem with GMD, is everyone "took off without their seat beats fastened" sort of speak. I really prefer the way the GLADE Team does things, but I figured I'd stick with GMD and try to shape it into something good, but I don't think it will ever get to something as good as I hoped for.
I'm going to quit GMD, because I liked GLADE much better, and GLADE produces great stuff, but GMD productions are well........not good.
September 12, 2009
Quote from: ElimiNator on September 13, 2009, 01:02:26
Glest Moding Team Development Team
* Archmage101, Every thing modeler, XML artist.
* Eliminator, Captain, Every thing modeler, XML artist.
* Fluffy203, Every thing modeler.
* Tiger, Building modeler.
* Scenariole, scenario and map maker.
Archmage 101 (then) proposes his competition, placing himself in a leadership role by design. The team takes hold in his clique of the forum, and progress begins.
That, I believe was very successful compared to GMD, even though it is........
was a GMD branch.
Fluffy203, naively or not, proposes another group which would transcend previous groups. Given the history, I see it so unlikely it makes me chuckle. Users on this forum have different interests in mods because of their personalities. The users who value more quality gravitate towards GLADE. Users who like to see progress quickly like GMD. Unless someone can figure out a way to combine the two polar opposite values, one side will get bored with the lack of progress, or another side will become frusterated with lack in quality, concept, or design.
Yeah, this won't go anywhere Fluff.........
Most people are busy, and quite a few(Modman being one) will not think this is a good idea.
What I said in earlier posts was based on hope not logic and reality
Just so everyone knows, I was already tipping back toward GLADE, and Modman "tipped the scale" sort of speak.
Quote from: -Archmage- on Today at 17:17:07
Please stop posting about your XML skills, I'm pretty sure everyone on the board can write XML...........
But if I ever need someone to code for me I'll ask you.
If swearing in frustration was a possibility on these boards I might. When you only knew how to do XML you really seemed to be proud of it. And seriously, if I had any mods that needed some XML I would give it right to him. I mean, he isn't saying his is the best, so you have no reason to take offense, at least no good one. And when he learns modeling, I will be happy to take time out of my day to test his mods. Just let him be happy and be willing to help. And seriously, he acknowledged that he stated it previously, so no need to attack it...
How was a attacking him? I was merely stating that he was posting it a lot, I know I did too when I learned XML, but I was younger, and naive back then. I'm hoping Zoythrus and others will learn from me doing that.