One question, isn't your map supposed to be a testing map, or am I wrong? You seem to be placing a lot of emphasis on keeping lag down, which I admit, seems totally POINTLESS for an AI testing map! I thought this wasn't for gameplay, but to see how the AI does. It should have realistic events that one would generally encounter in a map. For example, varying terrains, objects, etc; Non-linear paths, resource shortages, water reactions, pathfinding, ability to pass other units (namely slower ones), etc, etc;
As well, IT'S TOTALLY POINTLESS TO HAVE A NON-GAE COMPATABLE MAP! I mean, let's be serious, what's the point? It's not glest that's going to (someday) get an AI renovation, it's GAE! It's not glest that's being actively developed, it's GAE! Why make a map to test AI for an outdated AI. Eventually, GAE will be the future of Glest, and when that happens, this map is useless. In fact, I already condoned it as useless. I could care less about wasted space. I'm sorry, but for the meantime, I'll continue using big river to test AI until you give me a better reason to use the spectator map, which would probably involve starting from scratch.
Forgive the harsh words. Sometimes I speak the truth.