Glest Build Documentation for Visual Studio .Net 2003Author: David Lendrum
This guide was written on February 21st, 2005. File locations/versions may have changed since this was written. I will attempt to keep the information here as current as possible.
If you have any questions, or find any errors with the instructions, email me and I will fix them up. I will also post a list of 'common problems' and solutions (assuming people have problems) in the near future based on information people have sent me.
NOTE: This is not how I would set up the development project with regard to locations and directory structure, but it was the simplest to get working. Feel free once you have got everything working to play around and re-organise stuff.
Requirements:This guide was written for the following environment:
- Windows XP Professional SP2
- Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 Enterprise Edition
- WinZip (or other unpacking tool)
Step 1 - Make sure your machine can run Glest!Ok - Before trying to compile anything, make sure your machine can actually run Glest. This should not be a problem for most Windows based machines around today. You will need to download the Glest binaries from SourceForge and install them. These files are available in the Glest project area, at this link: want to download the 'glest win32' package (currently 1.0.9 and is about 39MB in size). Once you have it downloaded, unpack and install it. This is the complete game with binaries, graphics and sound resources. Once the game has been installed, run it to make sure it works ok. Notice on the startup screen the version number is v1.0.9.
Don't skip this step! Once we compile our own .EXE we will copy it into this folder and run it, so you need all of the Glest resources in their correct places in order for it to work.
Step 2 - Unpacking the Glest SourceOk, that was the easy bit.