hello again, thx for the support allready given. Finished the faction for the magitech tree, except for some balancing changes and stuff. Started today at a new tree: Tales of Ahrkved, this will probably become the name of the story. The factions will now have 5 kinds of recourses at 1 time. made the gold and stone rocks contain much more recourses, and a new recourse, magic essence, which people will need to make the super strong units. There will only be a few rocks of it on the entire map,pretty slow to harvest, and it will need special units to do so, 100 essence per rock, and the thing is i will most probably make the units cost like 50 or so. THere will ofcourse be upgrades for like 10 or something, but these will ofcourse have less effect. In the end it will be wourth using it. There also will be heroes in the story, which can only be summoned event controlled.