A more experienced player can beat the Tech Faction by using the Early Magic attack, see
https://forum.megaglest.org/index.php?topic=4780.0 but another way way to learn to play the Magic Faction with 2
non-ultra CPU allies against 1 CPU
Ultra Tech Faction. If the human player does not help the 2 allies and only harvests resources, produces units and defends against an occasional attack, AI Ultra Tech will first wipe out both allied non-ultra Bases. By this time the human faction is so strong it can easily defeat the enemy.
New players may wonder why it is impossible to produce more units and harvest more resources than AI (See an example below where I was able to accumulate an enormous amount of 127 Units and 45659 resources. The final attack against the Tech base was delayed to see how many Units and resources could be produced. Even so, the defeated Tech Faction produced a staggering number of 218 Units and 90240 resources). AI always produces double the amount of resources and Units to the human-controlled Faction which makes it very difficult to beat for a beginner. But this is necessary because Glest AI makes a very inefficient use of combat Units when attacking. Tech's strongest units, in my opinion, are the Archers but the strategy is force of numbers but it does not or cannot use tactics such as
repositioning weakened Units, retreating and kiting. If ones own forces are not controlled during the attack, then they behave in exactly the same way as AI-controlled units when the enemy must always win. I think that if AI could play more like a human player then it would not necessary for it to produce so many Units and resources etc.
After learning a few tactics, one can play with only one ally and later without.
Swamp of Sorrow-VictoryPlayer 1 2 3 4
Result Victory Victory Victory Defeat
Control Human CPU CPU
CPU(Ultra)Faction Magic Magic Magic Tech
Team 1 1 1 2
Kills 213 17 15 207
Deaths 48 107 51 246
Units produced
127 89 39 218
Resources harvested
45659 12390 3618 90240
Score 32215 7389 3811 40626