Author Topic: I'd like to help out  (Read 4526 times)


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Re: I'd like to help out
« Reply #25 on: 1 March 2010, 02:29:17 »
I'm not going to make a patch for 15 objects since it is just for you but if you can compile from source I can tell you how to edit the code.

Look at lines 126 - 140 of main.cpp in the source/map_editor folder and you can add your 5 extra lines there, look in main.h line 44 and change object count to 16, look in renderer.cpp line 88 to 100 and add your 5 extra colors there glColor3f() uses RGB color format.

I can't add anything to the subversion as I don't have access so even if I wanted to I couldn't add the lines for you. If you're really desperate for your 15 different objects and you don't want to compile from source then you could ask someone with access very nicely. However, Trappin suggested map editor to tileset XML associations, which if I have time I'll see about... In that case the map editor should support customized tilesets.

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Re: I'd like to help out
« Reply #26 on: 1 March 2010, 02:48:13 »
Here about this making 8 player brushes for the new 8 player feature in mega glest?


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Re: I'd like to help out
« Reply #27 on: 1 March 2010, 03:57:30 »
Well I'm happy to announce an actual release candidate for the undo/redo patch. Undo and Redo functions are both working and can be accessed via the edit menu. The patch includes the undo/redo functions and the bug fix to my brush that I mentioned in my previous post. I just finished sorting out about a million segmentation faults so it is still possible one or two are hiding somewhere and I haven't noticed yet but I think I got them all.

Good news  ;D, undo/redo I think will be warmly welcomed, how many 'levels' of history did you implement?

The objects aren't a map editor limitation it's a tileset/glest limitation.

This is a Glest limitation, and if it were to be changed, it would break every existing map, probably not the best idea.

Here about this making 8 player brushes for the new 8 player feature in mega glest?

No need for this, titi has already modified the map editor for this.

I will test your changes out tonight zombiepirate, if it doesn't crash on me I'll merge in titi's changes and get some binaries together for people to play with.
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Re: I'd like to help out
« Reply #28 on: 1 March 2010, 04:20:06 »
how many 'levels' of history did you implement?

Infinite for now... but I'm pretty sure most people's memory should be able to handle this. There is an unused const int variable in the header that I put in, along with a TODO to get feedback on a limiting check.

I also just realized that I never made the undo/redo to check reseting or player locations, but that should be a quick fix now that the base is there.


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Re: I'd like to help out
« Reply #29 on: 4 March 2010, 09:53:09 »
This is a Glest limitation, and if it were to be changed, it would break every existing map, probably not the best idea.

I think at some point we are going to have to break compatibility somewhere. If nobody is going to edit the official 3.2.2 code (and they shouldn't!) then new things like Titi's 8 player maps are not going to work.

The best you guys can do is make it so that the average user can't break their 3.2.2 install by adding extra GAE/MegaGlest content.

Possibly having a GAE/Megalglest maps folder which is ignored by the standard 3.2.2 code but is picked up and used by the newer projects.
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