Author Topic: 0.2.13 Release Candidate  (Read 13146 times)


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Re: 0.2.13 Beta
« Reply #25 on: 29 March 2010, 10:27:08 »
Yes, savegame is back, albeit without the support for resuming broken network games. I decided it was too big a feature to leave disabled, there will be either a 'beta-2' or probably more likely a 'release-candidate' out within the next couple of days.
GREAT! I'm very happy there will be at least a final 0.2.13 version of GAE.  8) :thumbup:

Auto-repair may end up being re-enabled too, will let you know.
That's awesome too! That function is really useful, specially if you have a healer unit (that heals other units instead of buildings; buildings' damage is easy to spot and fix unlike movable units). ;)


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Re: 0.2.13 Beta
« Reply #26 on: 29 March 2010, 11:40:53 »
Auto-repair may end up being re-enabled too, will let you know.
That's awesome too! That function is really useful, specially if you have a healer unit (that heals other units instead of buildings; buildings' damage is easy to spot and fix unlike movable units). ;)

Yeah, I like auto-repair, and my playing style has come to rely on it.  I've just finished looking into it, and the complaints levelled against it were unfounded, it is impossible for a harvesting unit to wander off and start auto-repairing, it will definitely be turned back on :)
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Re: 0.2.13 Beta
« Reply #27 on: 29 March 2010, 12:29:04 »
That was an odd bug report then!

As I remember it (haven't played with GAE for a while, I've been busy with modding the Dwarves for vanilla, for the moment), you had that "Auto-repair ON/OFF" button to switch between auto-repair on or off... The default behaviour was it was turned off, I think.

I myself would usually set like a couple workers to auto-repair on and, if I remember correctly, they would not interrupt their current harvesting job when there was a nearby damaged building! They would finish loading the current load, turn it in to the apropriate building and only then go and repair the damaged building! Which was perfect if you ask me.  :thumbup:
Well, that's how I recall it at least...  :-\

And you could just turn the thing off anyways so no biggie anyway. ;D

P.s.: I never mentioned it before: The savegame feature on multiplayer would be incredibly useful BUT it is still incredibly useful on singleplayer so I'm very glad it's back! :)  :thumbup:
« Last Edit: 29 March 2010, 12:30:57 by jda »


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Re: 0.2.13 Beta
« Reply #28 on: 30 March 2010, 12:14:39 »
P.s.: I never mentioned it before: The savegame feature on multiplayer would be incredibly useful BUT it is still incredibly useful on singleplayer so I'm very glad it's back! :)  :thumbup:

Yes, being able to re-load and re-start multiplayer games would've been nice to have back too, and probably could have been re-enabled and fixed up without significant stress. However, I have a much better idea in mind for that now, which will make the whole process 'seamless', but it will require being able to quickly save the game, and the current system saves/loads XML, which is not at all fast.

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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #29 on: 2 April 2010, 06:10:50 »

Release candidate for 0.2.13 is on the shelves.

Windows, download this, extract in glest directory.

Linux-64 bit, download this, extract wherever Glest is installed.

Source tarball.

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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #30 on: 2 April 2010, 16:27:58 »
Build: 0.2.13-rc1 32 bit compiled from source with ./configure --with-x --with-lua=/usr on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala.
./configure notes:  The --with-lua prefix is needed for all versions of Glest I've been compiling, including all GAE, MegaGlest and (Mega)Glest+Observers, otherwise it won't find Lua on my system. Works fine with this switch.
The --with-x option I added just to try and get configure to find filio.h (I only have /usr/include/X11/fonts/fntfilio.h but thought I'd give it a try, to my understanding the --with-x is redundant anyways(?); all builds have worked fine withouth it though, adding it did not help.

Bug report:
Map: Underwater World
Tileset: Evergreen
Player 1: Human Dwarves (modified since last release, all players using this same modified release) Team 1
Player 2: CPU Dwarves Team 2
Player 3: CPU Ultra Dwarves Team 3
Player 4: CPU Mega Dwarves Team 4
FoW ON (forgot to turn it off)
BUG: All my units starved to deatg although I was producing food. After the last unit died (1 food consumption), I had 30 food production (+30) but 0/0 food. If I recall it correctly, it did not start that way, I did have food space (not 0).

Crash report:
Exact same game configuration as above (BTW, I actually didn't think to look at the food space this time! Sorry. :( ). BUT FoW OFF in this case.
Code: [Select]
Version: Advanced Engine v0.2.13-rc1
Time: Fri Apr  2 17:01:57 2010
Description: SIGSEGV: address not mapped to object
Address: 0x437600d8
./glestadv [0x81a93b2]
./glestadv [0x818f175]
./glestadv [0x811267e]
./glestadv [0x8117ce4]
./glestadv [0x8118323]
./glestadv [0x818a0d0]
./glestadv [0x818a627]
./glestadv [0x816aef4]
./glestadv [0x8186fb7]
./glestadv [0x81897d3]
./glestadv [0x819f877]
./glestadv [0x80786e3]
./glestadv [0x80bde17]
./glestadv [0x80c0c00]
./glestadv [0x80c0e48]
/lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0x74bb56]
./glestadv [0x804f271]

EDIT: This crash happened little after I lost the game (all my units killed). I was testing something about the Dwarf faction AI, so I said "No" to end the game.
« Last Edit: 2 April 2010, 16:32:13 by jda »


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #31 on: 2 April 2010, 16:42:00 »
Downloaded.  Will test later.  Anything specific you want me to keep an eye on?


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #32 on: 2 April 2010, 18:50:31 »
Build: 0.2.13-rc1 32 bit compiled from source with ./configure --with-x --with-lua=/usr on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala.
./configure notes:  The --with-lua prefix is needed for all versions of Glest I've been compiling, including all GAE, MegaGlest and (Mega)Glest+Observers, otherwise it won't find Lua on my system. Works fine with this switch.
The --with-x option I added just to try and get configure to find filio.h (I only have /usr/include/X11/fonts/fntfilio.h but thought I'd give it a try, to my understanding the --with-x is redundant anyways(?); all builds have worked fine withouth it though, adding it did not help.
Odd, configure checks in /usr/local and /usr for lua, so it should find it. --with-x does nothing, not used.

Thanks for testing and bugreport. We'll have a look.


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #33 on: 2 April 2010, 18:54:47 »
It looks for Lua on /usr/local only on my system (all sources I mentioned do) and says it didn't find Lua if I don't add that switch. Works fine with the switch.

Thanks for all your efforts, GAE team! :)

EDIT: fixed the crucial typo about where it looks for lua... ;D


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #34 on: 3 April 2010, 03:09:44 »
Bug report:
Map: Underwater World
Tileset: Evergreen
Player 1: Human Dwarves (modified since last release, all players using this same modified release) Team 1
Player 2: CPU Dwarves Team 2
Player 3: CPU Ultra Dwarves Team 3
Player 4: CPU Mega Dwarves Team 4
FoW ON (forgot to turn it off)
BUG: All my units starved to deatg although I was producing food. After the last unit died (1 food consumption), I had 30 food production (+30) but 0/0 food. If I recall it correctly, it did not start that way, I did have food space (not 0).

That's a bit weird, a quick test reveals no problems with Tech, you did have me worried though, as I have a very bad habit of testing mostly with Magic.

I'll download the latest Dwarves and see if I can get the same problem, if not then I may want to see those modifications ;)

I think the Fog-of-War option should be 'sticky' like most of the other new game options are now, so if it was set to 'off' last time, it will be set to 'off' next time you go to the start game menu, that's kind of been annoying me.

Crash report:
Exact same game configuration as above (BTW, I actually didn't think to look at the food space this time! Sorry. :( ). BUT FoW OFF in this case.
EDIT: This crash happened little after I lost the game (all my units killed). I was testing something about the Dwarf faction AI, so I said "No" to end the game.

Thanks for the report, this isn't going to be much of a release candidate if it crashes... did the program save a glestadv-crash.tga ??

Downloaded.  Will test later.  Anything specific you want me to keep an eye on?

Thanks John, at the moment consumable resources behaving correctly would probably be the thing I'm most worried about, so testing with factions that use them would be appreciated.

And of course any crashing is not acceptable, but those are easy find if they're repeatable, so if it does crash on anyone, when/where/why/how ?!?  What map, what factions, etc... Also check for a glestadv-crash.tga, which should be a screenshot from when the game crashed.

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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #35 on: 3 April 2010, 05:04:59 »
I'm noticing some... shall we say interesting behavior with the resources, but in this case it's gold.  As far as I can tell, food was working fine.

I had five workers mining gold.  I selected all five and told them to go harvest wood (clicking the Harvest button, not just right-clicking on the trees).  Two workers finished their loads and went off to harvest wood like I told them to, but the other three stayed behind and kept mining... and kept mining... and kept mining... until they had huge loads of gold, never bothering to return them to the castle.  As you can see, my gold stores weren't full, and they were right next to the castle.
Code: [Select]
In addition, whenever ordered to harvest a resource, if the worker was already carrying a load, he would return it before going to harvest.  This has always been normal behavior when going from one resource to another, but this time they were doing it when going back to the same resource.  For example, I had a group of several workers mining gold, and I told them to go build a technodrome, and then while they were building that, I queued up a command to go back to mining gold (Ctrl-right click on the gold).  When they finished building, they dropped off their bundles of gold, then went back to mining more of it.  No picture for that one, but I'm sure you get the idea.

Here we see four technicians all trying to auto-heal this wounded archer, but they can't seem to figure out how to get to him.  Even when told explicitly "go heal that guy", they remained stumped.  When told "go over there near that guy", they figured it out.
Code: [Select]
As always, our good friend Rainbow Water. (If I ever adopt a Native American girl, I'm totally naming her that. :look:)
Code: [Select]
Is "f" no longer the "free camera" button?

Code: [Select]
Log file

3: Core data
97: Tileset: tilesets/jungle
102: TechTree: techs/magitech
102: Resource type: techs/magitech/resources/energy
102: Resource type: techs/magitech/resources/food
102: Resource type: techs/magitech/resources/gold
102: Resource type: techs/magitech/resources/stone
103: Resource type: techs/magitech/resources/wood
103: Faction type: techs/magitech/factions/tech
103: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/aerodrome
103: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/air_ballista
105: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/airship
106: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/archer
107: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/barracks
107: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/battle_machine
108: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/blacksmith
109: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/castle
109: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/catapult
110: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/cow
111: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/defense_tower
111: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/farm
112: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/guard
113: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/horseman
114: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/ornithopter
115: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/pig
116: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/swordman
117: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/technician
118: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/technodrome
119: Unit type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/units/worker
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/advanced_architecture
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/blade_weapons
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/piercing_weapons
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/robotics
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/shield_level_1
120: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/shield_level_2
121: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/stables
121: Upgrade type: techs/magitech/factions/tech/upgrades/training_field
121: Faction types
121: State cells
121: Heightmap computations
123: Initialising SearchEngine
123: Cartographer
124: Compute minimap surface
124: Generate elements
124: Creating AI for faction 1
124: Creating AI for faction 2
124: Creating AI for faction 3
124: Creating rain particle system
124: Initializing renderer
125: Starting ambient stream
125: Starting music stream
125: Launching game
4967: Game
4967: World
4967: Minimap
4967: Tech tree
4967: Tileset
4967: Cells

Code: [Select]
; === propertyMap File ===

« Last Edit: 7 October 2016, 23:05:41 by filux »


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #36 on: 3 April 2010, 05:07:37 »
I had five workers mining gold.  I selected all five and told them to go harvest wood (clicking the Harvest button, not just right-clicking on the trees).  Two workers finished their loads and went off to harvest wood like I told them to, but the other three stayed behind and kept mining... and kept mining... and kept mining... until they had huge loads of gold, never bothering to return them to the castle.  As you can see, my gold stores weren't full, and they were right next to the castle.

John, that issue has been around forever, that's in original Glest.
It's also a way you can sort of cheat, but I'm not going to tell you! :D :D :D
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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #37 on: 3 April 2010, 05:14:21 »
Hmm... never noticed it before.  Either way, still a bug. :P


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #38 on: 3 April 2010, 06:41:47 »
OK, I didn't have the same problem as John, my 5 initiates (still testing with Magic  :P) all dutifully went off to harvest wood, but the 'gold' they returned to the store looked suspiciously like wood ;) That one's an easy fix.

There is indeed something wrong with certain commands and group selections though, after they'd starting harvesting wood I gave all five a build command, two went and started building, the other three cancelled their current command but clearly didn't get the new one properly.  They headed over after the other two had started, via auto-repair, but something in up with group commands, for harvest and build at least. I'm on it.

In addition, whenever ordered to harvest a resource, if the worker was already carrying a load, he would return it before going to harvest.  This has always been normal behavior when going from one resource to another, but this time they were doing it when going back to the same resource.  For example, I had a group of several workers mining gold, and I told them to go build a technodrome, and then while they were building that, I queued up a command to go back to mining gold (Ctrl-right click on the gold).  When they finished building, they dropped off their bundles of gold, then went back to mining more of it.  No picture for that one, but I'm sure you get the idea.

This is an interesting one. As arch has pointed out, it is the normal Glest behaviour. I think maybe it should be changed, but it's not as straight forward as 'if same resource type, go back to resource', that makes sense if they have a small current load, but less sense if they are almost fully loaded, so I think I'll use this logic:
Code: [Select]
// when given harvest command and loadCount is not zero
if command resource type != current load resource type
    then go back to store and unload
else if loadCount < maxLoadCount / 2
    then go straight to resources
    go back to store and unload
Which just says if the unit is less than half loaded it will go back to get more, half or more loaded it will return to the store.

Here we see four technicians all trying to auto-heal this wounded archer, but they can't seem to figure out how to get to him.  Even when told explicitly "go heal that guy", they remained stumped.  When told "go over there near that guy", they figured it out.

Haven't tried to re-create this one yet, will try to fix up these other things first... Was this a group command as well? or did they do the same when explicitly commanded individually?

Is "f" no longer the "free camera" button?

Sorry, I borrowed the 'f' key for debugging purposes a while ago, I forgot to change it back.  Another quick fix at least :)
Note: This key is a bit useless in GAE anyway... the camera is always free, it's effect now is a 'kinf of' reset camera key (but you have to press it twice, none of the old logic was changed (game/free camera) so pressing it once puts you in 'free' mode, which mean does nothing in GAE, and then pressing it again resets the camera to the old game mode view, but the camera is still free.

This should be fixed.  But also perhaps more importantly, I think we need to do some 'advertising' and how to use the GAE camera... and also decide upon a solution for the 'no middle mouse button' problem.

Thanks for the feedback, will hopefully have a 'take two' ready before long.
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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #39 on: 3 April 2010, 12:34:52 »
Theres still a bug with the new 8 player maps.

If you have an 8 player map in your maps folder it will crash GAE when you try to browse past it  :(
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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #40 on: 3 April 2010, 14:03:13 »
i'm downloading since it think this is the platform for the new Glade Mod   :thumbup:


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #41 on: 3 April 2010, 17:03:51 »
Here we see four technicians all trying to auto-heal this wounded archer, but they can't seem to figure out how to get to him.  Even when told explicitly "go heal that guy", they remained stumped.  When told "go over there near that guy", they figured it out.
Haven't tried to re-create this one yet, will try to fix up these other things first... Was this a group command as well? or did they do the same when explicitly commanded individually?
Initially it wasn't a command at all, but rather an auto-repair.  I didn't try to order them individually.  At first, the technicians were trying to heal the archer via auto-repair (after successfully doing the same to all the other wounded archers in the ground).  All four of them did this successfully until they got to the last wounded archer, where they got stuck.  As you can see in the picture, the selected technician had every intention of walking in that direction and healing, so maybe he just couldn't find a path?  I selected the whole group of four, then told them as a group to heal the archer.  They didn't budge.  Then I told them as a group to walk over to the area just west of the archer.  They proceeded to do so and heal the archer.


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #42 on: 3 April 2010, 19:31:59 »
Hmm... because of the new theme, I didn't even see the RC...  ::)
I guess I will download and test it now.  :|

Sorry for being somewhat of a OT...


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #43 on: 4 April 2010, 09:48:41 »
Theres still a bug with the new 8 player maps.

If you have an 8 player map in your maps folder it will crash GAE when you try to browse past it  :(

Could you please provide a sample map which crashs GAE? Thanks.


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #44 on: 4 April 2010, 13:58:31 »
It's also a way you can sort of cheat, but I'm not going to tell you! :D :D :D

Sorry Archmage, that little exploit wont be working any more... you don't by any chance know of any others do you ??  :P

If you have an 8 player map in your maps folder it will crash GAE when you try to browse past it  :(
Could you please provide a sample map which crashs GAE? Thanks.

I'm thinking it must've been a .gbm8, 'mgm' doesn't crash it, but passing '*.gbm' to findAll() also matches .gbmAnything, I've hacky fixed it for now, will create a ticket to fix it properly in trunk.

Still haven't had a chance to look at the problem with repair, nor got the crash jda reported, but everything else is fixed up.  Some stress testing to try and flush out the crash might hold things up a bit, but hopefully not for too long  :-\
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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #45 on: 4 April 2010, 22:00:38 »
Bug report:
Map: Underwater World
Tileset: Evergreen
Player 1: Human Dwarves (modified since last release, all players using this same modified release) Team 1
Player 2: CPU Dwarves Team 2
Player 3: CPU Ultra Dwarves Team 3
Player 4: CPU Mega Dwarves Team 4
FoW ON (forgot to turn it off)
BUG: All my units starved to deatg although I was producing food. After the last unit died (1 food consumption), I had 30 food production (+30) but 0/0 food. If I recall it correctly, it did not start that way, I did have food space (not 0).

That's a bit weird, a quick test reveals no problems with Tech, you did have me worried though, as I have a very bad habit of testing mostly with Magic.

I'll download the latest Dwarves and see if I can get the same problem, if not then I may want to see those modifications ;)
Sure, I can get you that modified version if you want (won't be public as it's WIP but I'll let you have it to test GAE alright. Just let me know if you need it. ;) ).

I think the Fog-of-War option should be 'sticky' like most of the other new game options are now, so if it was set to 'off' last time, it will be set to 'off' next time you go to the start game menu, that's kind of been annoying me.
Would be very nice. :) And it is, that new stickiness on the other options too! :)

Crash report:
Exact same game configuration as above (BTW, I actually didn't think to look at the food space this time! Sorry. :( ). BUT FoW OFF in this case.
EDIT: This crash happened little after I lost the game (all my units killed). I was testing something about the Dwarf faction AI, so I said "No" to end the game.

Thanks for the report, this isn't going to be much of a release candidate if it crashes... did the program save a glestadv-crash.tga ??
Yes, there was actually (sorry, I had no idea). Here it is:


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #46 on: 4 April 2010, 23:11:13 »
Sorry Archmage, that little exploit wont be working any more... you don't by any chance know of any others do you ??  Tongue

Ye-- :D :D :D
I really don't care, because I'm not into cheating(except in some cases...). :cheesy:
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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #47 on: 7 April 2010, 10:56:26 »
Take 2.

Windows only for the moment,

Everything should be patched up, I eventually got a crash out of the pathfinder, a careful analysis thereafter revealed two code paths that I was clearly assuming were not reachable, but which in exceptional circumstances were being reached.

My problem with the build command was actually because all the workers were trying to reserve resources for the building, I've changed that so only the first in the group reserves the resources, but this isn't perfect, as he may not be the first to get there... but it will do for now (note that you never double pay or get it for free, if the guy who starts the build isn't the one who reserved resources, he will pay again, then when the guy who did reserve them gets there, you get them back).

There were some more problems with build command besides that, related to pathing to the 'build site', many commands need modifying to make better use of the new pathfinder, I tended to the build command ahead of schedule and it seems to be working very well now.

As always, reports of problems would be very much appreciated.

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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #48 on: 7 April 2010, 16:10:00 »
gives, the already a sulution from the AI morph to building problem?


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Re: 0.2.13 Release Candidate
« Reply #49 on: 8 April 2010, 00:12:02 »
Cool, now there is a loading bar...  ::)
I encountered an error when playing the Tech and Magic Scenario...  ::)
EDIT: OK, I installed Glest again, this time into the folder I called GAE,copied/replaced the GAE files to there, then I tried it out again...  ::) same thing.  :(
Code: [Select]
Quote from: glestadv-error.log
Log file

15: Warning, no startup script defined
21: Frame: 197 timestamp: 5408944 :: Can not find command type with id: -114 in unit: worker. Game out of synch.
25: Frame: 197 timestamp: 5412989 :: aborting game
28: Frame: 0 timestamp: 5416681 :: aborting game
I'll try again...
Also, for some reason, this was the glestadv-crash.tga...  ::)
Code: [Select]
Anyways, Thanks.  :)  :thumbup:

