Welcome to the 3D Art Store!
ANYONE MAY USE ANYTHING HERE FOR FREE AS LONG AS I AM CREDITED FOR THE WORK I DO.Complete Stock:AxemanCart and GuyFantasy WarriorTwo-handled Swordsman
REQUESTING:To request:
Username: (Put username here)
Concept to model from: (If you need me to model something)
Polygons to use: (A simple number range will suffice...)
Model quality: (Low, medium, or high)
Unwrapped:(Yes, or No, if you say yes, then I will try to unwrap the model sometimes I won't... if you say no then I will not attempt to unwrap the model...)
Unwrap quality: (Low, or medium)
Animations needed: (Standing, Walking, Attacking, Dying, Running, get it?)
Frame range: (Low[1-5], Medium[1-12], High[5-15], Very High[5-25], As Much As Needed To Look Good[1-30])
Animation quality: (Low, Medium, High, Best)
G3Ds: (Yes, I want G3Ds of all animations, or, No, I'll export myself)
Feel free to say doesn't matter on some of these...
I will only take one request per day, and each person may only make a request every 3 days, sometimes I will accept more than one request daily...rules may change...
Please do not SPAM me with requests as I will ignore continuous asking of models and animations of top quality, people must be willing to give speed for quality and vice versa(sorry never actually spelled it out in text before...).
Requests Pending/WIP/Done:
R1-DONE Fantasy Warrior -
R2-DONE Axeman -
R3-Pending Amazonian Swordsister
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility whatsoever for any eventual copyrights infringement that the concept art or anything else someone posts may incur in. In other words: Whoever makes a request is responsible for making sure it is legal for me to take on the request.
(Thanks for this Jda!)