Author Topic: Your battle skill?  (Read 5340 times)


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #25 on: 29 March 2010, 23:21:00 »
If I'm stretched thin across the map, I'll bet on the fast units as well as the flying ones.
Who would win, a horse man or an airship?
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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #26 on: 29 March 2010, 23:46:07 »
The airship would win that battle of course.

But airships are very slow. They've got everything else but they lack speed. If there are too many foes and I have too many "bases" to defend (and assuming i need them all or most), horsemen will leap from place to place a lot faster and once there, they'll usually do a pretty good job too. ;)


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #27 on: 30 March 2010, 00:03:18 »
Airships are great. Besides the fact they they are slow, and they can only attack to the ground. So, if I'm playing against Magic, I have to be careful of Dragons (or Archmages, since...  :| ).... Or basically any other faction...  ::)

Horsemen are nice, but I usually use them as scouts.  :) Sometimes (more likely for units that resemble horsemen) I use them to attack behind my other "soldiers"...  ::)


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #28 on: 30 March 2010, 00:28:00 »
In good numbers, horsemen can keep your enemies ocupied long enough. ;)

But your point of using them to attack on a second line is good too.  :thumbup:


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #29 on: 30 March 2010, 01:00:09 »
In good numbers, horsemen can keep your enemies ocupied long enough. ;)

But your point of using them to attack on a second line is good too.  :thumbup:
Yeah, that's also true.  :)  :thumbup:
The AI/ CPU loves to do that.   ::)
But seriously, that's what they did... see?  :|


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #30 on: 27 April 2010, 16:48:12 »
For tech mk2, build 7 workers for gold six for wood and maybe one for stone, then I build walls with towers on the edges to defend my base with spearmen on knee behind the wall, this is followed by row after row of crossbowmen and arbalestiers. After I run out of resources I move on to another location and build another fortified base. Lastly I build a bunch of knights supported by halberdiers and crossbowmen and send them to swamp the enemy, after softening them up with airships and ornithopters


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #31 on: 30 April 2010, 13:55:10 »
I mass produce fire archers in the Indian faction and when going to destroy, bring a group(usually 12 to 16 Thunderbirds) with them and keep them out of the way, bringing them in only to destroy the tank like units that really wipe out my archers, making sure to also control archers, focusing in on opponent archers and units that can damage my Thunderbirds.  I'll let the slower walking enemy units come in close, if it means wiping out their archers and take the limited losses so the Thunderbirds can then destroy everything without danger.  I love to build so usually in a four player game, by the time I'm done, I have two bases, using one of the killed off enemies, and I may have a small base in the third enemy camp after they are gone.  That second base is usually row after row of big tents because it's the only way to stockpile resources.   In this way, depending on the map, you can come at that final enemy from three directions.  I always have a small group of axe Indians to throw in the middle to start a battle, but use the fire archers and Thunderbirds to take out the most powerful enemy units first.


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #32 on: 30 April 2010, 13:59:15 »
I'd use the Fire Golems more but it usually takes them three or four days to cross the map and with no save feature, I just can't use them.  They're cool to have around the base but that's about it.  I'm sure they're supposed to be more a defensive unit but the computer uses them offensively.


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #33 on: 30 April 2010, 14:12:42 »
There's a very nice tutorial on using Golems (in that case the regular Magic ones) semi-offensivelly on the Glest wikia (Strategies section).
But yes, they are mostly semi-buildings (made of stone too!) with little movement ability. :P


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #34 on: 3 May 2010, 02:20:25 »
I have a tactic to help survive those first few waves of attacks where no matter how right you start out, you always seem to be outnumbered, especially against mega computer opponents.  This tactic requires fog of war off though it could be done with it on.  When you start the game, depending on which map you're using, send one of your first defensive units out to a point you know the enemy will be coming to get to you.  I've never been beaten to that point if it's the first move I make.  Now, start doing your opening moves, creating workers, harvest, building, making your army but remember that unit and when you see the opponent moving, use that unit, attack their first unit and then lead that unit somewhere else on the map.  If your unit is too fast, you may have to stop and turn to engage them again.  By now you may have a line of attackers coming for you, keep leading them further in another direction from your base.  It's a suicide mission but I've noticed even after the unit is killed, the enemy continues to advance to the last position your unit was before it died.  During all this, make sure your harvesting and creating troops.  This tactic has helped me build my army and survive even the Mega Computer Romans and Indians in different two player, mega computer vs me games.  I always leave the fog of war off now.  I just prefer to see the different factions at work, see if units are stacking up.
As far as the Dark Mages and my defensive strategy in the Dark Magic faction.  I make a defensive line of Dark Mages when protecting my base, adding a line of alliyps behind them.  This defense proves to be unbreachable.  I played this against computer mega Indians and the end stat for me was 842 kills while I only suffered 29 deaths.  The Indians just kept coming and my line just kept mowing them down as fast as they could come, rarely even getting in close enough to do anything to my Mages.  I would have to come forward to take out the archers until my Mages sight increased and then it just became to easy to defend.


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Re: Your battle skill?
« Reply #35 on: 21 June 2010, 01:25:04 »
Yeah I like to do that too...but after that "somehow" the CPU always gets to your base 
Usually I use a kinda like scout unit, or a very fast unit. such as the imp in Dark Magic 
Alliyps are deadly.  :thumbup: But splashy. Not sure if it is really right as a unit just starting out though...
If I have allies, I'll most often help them in an unusual way. If they're attacked, I'll rarely send troops to defend them, I'll attack the bases of my ally's attackers instead - works like a charm! ;)

I do that sometimes, but most of the is hard to choose whether to help them or overrun the enemy's base...  :|