BTW, it might be good to save the current database, because it won't be good to lose much posts again, like last time 
I last saved it three days ago. I try to save weekly when possible. Using the school internet, it's almost instantly downloaded.
I need the exact dimensions, if you reisize it in a not proportional way the image will be distorted again
1000x162 (my previous estimate was pretty far off!).
I always preferred a sorta "thumbs up" system where everyone in the forum could "thumbs-up" or "thank" a post's author for their post. It has the effect of essentially swapping "seniority by post count" for "seniority by helpfulness" instead. I don't know if it's functional for this forum type, but it's still interesting.
Yes, something similar to (sorry, EXACTLY the same as) youtube, don't you think, where you can comment just on that one post (or perhaps on that person in general). However, I checked the SMF forums and apparently that is one that has been requested but nobody has made yet (as of 2009 Nov, when that post was created, assumably still so, since I can't find one myself).
I found two 'thank you' style mods, but they both put the thank you's in the section normally used by the signature, so I don't know how well that would do, and seems a bit obtrusive...
Also, a minor change was added: a spoiler effect which is very popular on other boards was added. It can be used to hide text, shorten posts, split your post into manageable parts, allow collapsable areas of your post, oh and for spoilers.