I feel guilty for us sending our soldiers to protect me and then watch them die on TV + let in the people were trying to hold out. I feel resposibility to those soldiers in the Iraq and middle east that die for us, then we let those muslim a**holes in without saying a thing. The muslims do not provide anything! I am afraid to paint ugly pictures of the pedophil prophet muhammad, because i got muslims in my neighbourhood wanting to stab me if i do so. I am not afraid of painting ugly paintings of jesus, caus ei know christians won`t stab me if theyr not mentally ill or something. I feel angry at them for oppressing free speech, i feel sad for them to be human like me, yet to kill innocent people and then pray to god, and get a reward for it too! I feel happy that their whole nation is at the brink of destruction! I feel to nuke their asses so hard theyll not have a chance to survive! i know, we cant nuke cause the worlds gonna die...
Basically, i feel for crushing the whole of muslims to pure dust and then laugh at the religion so hard i`ll probably die. Don`t blame me, they started it, i didn`t tell them to go insane and awake the sleeping giant. Muslims, the sharia, any thing related to that religion is way worse than christianity. I hate those bastards for actually being alive, it is an insult to say that they deserve it. They actually deserve the thing called hell, i did not tell em to do things that would make me think that about them. Guess what, its their fault, purely, if they had not done it, i wouldn`t hate them, they knew that we would hate them when they started killing people, they knew the consequences, they are the ones doing the bad things, i can`t do anything about the way i feel for them, THEY started it, THEY can`t fix it, THEY deserve according to me, eternal torture and burning in hell, if it ever existed. I don`t care for the "moderate muslims" if they tell me their just as good as any christian, no, they also deserves it, if they ever listened to what the Koran said, they`ll convert immeidately, but no, they are preechign their asses of, then their little brainwashed minds are saying it to be holy and true, liek what the hell? How can ANYONE EVER defend such thing? Christianity transformed into western values, we don`t torture any more, if not completely nesesarry, we do not kill civilians, but i dare to say that we have the RIGHT to kill islamics and their country and everything. THEY ARE THE ONES DOING THE BAD THINGS! we don`t halfway bury women and then throw rocks on them till they die. IF YOU ARE MUSLIM YOU ARE EVIL!
Those bastards even dare to migrate illegal into Norway after shouting in the streets in their homeland that "NORWAY you wil pay! DENMARK you will pay!" How can we ever allow them even to get near our border?